Thursday, 27 February 2025

News revision


- free press papers originally were there to spread news and call out certain things for public to get an understanding of what is going on in the world.

- Plurality in news due to news bias. TDM right - wing TG centre left


- 17th Century Uk oldest form of media

- late 19th century with the extension of of education and vote allowed more consumption of news

- Print press has been shaped by developments in technology


Regulation cost TDM IPSO and TG reader's editor paid to regulate

 Advert cost as a main funding due to us being a consumerist society

Trust vs cross media converged conglomerate DMGT

Change in format in website

Website cookies 

Cultural context have heavily influenced the way we interact as an audience with print and online news. This can be seen easily within the Guardian as well as The Daily mail an example of this is within the stories a swell as adverts.

The Daily Mail rely on advertisements as a source of income and we can see this as just solely on their website the amount of pop up ads that are visible through your read is immense. It forces audiences to be  more consumerist as it advertises products that readers may have interest in and and is successful in doing this due to us as a cultural being more consumers driven. The Guardian will also contain adverts although they went show any adverts around gambling and fossil fuels they will still show adverts again for readers to consume. On their print papers they will also showcases advertisements as TDM will mainly advertise in the skybox and use a bright colour palette to make it more visible for audience to see. this directly influences the way on how audiences will interact with the news print or online.

Also with the online convergence of online news and moving from print to online we have see a rapid proliferation of culture representation in online news as now the websites will offer the reader to be able to select what type of news they would like to read. Such as TDM having a variety of selection which is an attempt to retain audiences to keep reading their news. the same goes for TG where they also offer a selection of news options but with slightly more support to a variety of sub group cultures which is where the TDM lacks. This directly links to the idea of cultural contexts having an influence on how we interact with online news as now readers can select which news story and sub sections of the news they primarily will like to partake in reading.

News revision

Political - free press papers originally were there to spread news and call out certain things for public to get an understanding of what is...