TV Drama Revision



Eve – Subverts the representations of stereotypical femininity as she is shown as having masculine traits such as being vocal, dominant and enjoying the MI5 work (Revolving around death and violence) A lor of her character is shown during black comedy moments or interacting with her husband Niko. 

Niko – He also subverts stereotypes of masculinity as he is very caring and thoughtful man to Eve. He’s mainly the one taking care of Eve whereas stereotypically is opposite 

- Both characters are opposites of their gender stereotypes which can investigate certain theories like bell hooks, Levi Strauss and Gauntlett etc. 

Villanelle – She is OPPOSITE of femininity completely. As we know she is an assassin and completely subverts stereotypes more than Eve. She is shown as uncaring, heartless and emotionless. 

Konstantin- Very much a mixture of violent and caring. Only seen interacting with Villanelle and mainly reinforces stereotypes of Russia rather than male characteristics. 

Bill – Very much the comedy character influencing Eve’s humor in certain scenes and is mainly used as comedic relief in serious scenes revolving around MI5, he isn’t strong and seem dominant, but his main traits are his comedy. 

Frank – Stereotypical masculine man Looks a bit like Mr Baldwin if he was older. Wears suits very masculine and is very dominant in conversations shutting down Eve in anyway he can.  

Caroline – Very unknown but the scenes we see her in she is supportive to Eve and comforting her whilst telling her to pursue Villanelle. She remains a mystery and isn’t stereotypically feminine, but I feel the story don’t focus on her traits but what she offers to Eve instead. 

- Overall, most female characters aren’t stereotypical and are all diverse in their own way focusing on their actions rather than their gender. Most likely due to the context of the production. All female crew and metoo hashtag being very popular and moving. 


- The main idea of the ep 1 is to build up “Good vs Evil” Making references to the cold war where Russia’s action was close to causing nuclear fallout between America and most of the world. 

- The show being American although being mostly in the UK still shows this element as the idea of MI5 is mostly looked at in an international perspective but mostly American as shown to us via Tv and news.  

- Characters who are Russian are shown as villains even the main antagonist being Russian called Villanelle almost showing it to our faces. Her character clearly demonizes Russia and views them negatively as she is an assassin.. 






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