P2: TV Drama

 Tuesday 7th November 2023                             TV Drama Homeland

Genre -  War, Politics, spy

Wife (Jess)

Brody (Hero)

Dana - daughter

Chris - Son

Carrie - CIA Agent

Genre - Politcal thriller

Stereotypes - America is right and strong, Teenage girl rebellious smoking and with a random boy

Killing eve

- Killing eve is a British spy thriller TV Series. Published on BBC America and BBC Three. It first premiered 8th April 2018 

- The unique part of the production of Killing eve is that its mainly women. ( Female writing team and several executive producers) 

- Target audience 16 - 34 years old 

- it has 168 nominations for awards and 44 wins, from Emmys, BAFTAs

- Its a BBC broadcast channel show

Monday 13th November 2023                        Killing Eve

Main Narrative Quest/Conflict Set up

We See an MI5 agent called Eve being involved on a murder who they believe has been caused by an assassin. She starts to develop a lead that no one believes apart from herself. She investigates further and turns out that Eve has entered into something which puts her life at risk.

Characters - Eve, Bill, Assistant, Niko, Carolyn, Frank, Dom, Villanelle, Konstantin

Enigma Codes

Individual Character Narratives

Tuesday 14th November 2023

Spy Thillers conventions

- Clothing Formal 

- Travelling worldwide

- Main character is mostly male women are more supporting characters or love intrest

- HQ's Is office like or secretive

- Serious with some black comedy

- Sad backstory


We start off being introduced to our main character Eve who is seen in quite an unorganised state making her way to work at MI5. We see her and her college walk to an office where they talk about a recent murder. Although t seems one-sided Eve has a different idea and believes in her own theory which the others ignore this leads to Eve doing her own investigation leading to a whole new story


We see the antagonist of the episode Villanelle where she has been hired to kill another man. From Eve's evidence we see that Eve is right and if she pursues this trail she might find her out with this Eve interviews the Victims wife where the lead gets foggy however she still believes her thoughts are right. Most people around her 

Monday 20th November 2023                               Killing eve: Industry and context

L/O: using genre theory: Neale as well as to explore the production, social & political context of set products.

Genres is term used to simply summarise what a film is focused on and what it might contain. Genres keeping growing and changing adding more incite to what something is about even combing with others creating hybrid genres. Advertisements. use the genre codes and conventions to showcase simply what the audience will see. 

Genre and killing eve

genre is spy thriller

Shield the marvel programme is quite similar group of important secret group handaling a important task.

The generic office scenes, consistent travel and similar dialogue of important spy conversations

However. it subverts some stereotypes viaKilling Eve's main important characters such as the protagonist and villain are female. Black comedy and humour is consistent throughout the show. Advertisement main showed female characters to show the subversion of the stereotypical spy thriller.

Historical: LFTVD's are influenced by historical contexts. Reflects a period of time when society prioritised certain ideas.

Economical: Financial and technological opportunities, Budget size, marketing distribution and use of stars

Political:  Show's perspective in TV drama views on politics at the point of time

Social: How the audience consumes and interpret the LFTVD.

Cultural How the LFTVD affects the audience consumptions of cultural views. what values are shown in the show.

Donald J Trump

January 27th, Trump signed an executive order the first version of a Muslim ban

February 21st the department of homeland security issued a memo update on immigration laws enforcement. This increased the number of people being detained and deported

April 4th The department of justice and labour camcelled conferences calls with LGBT

Tuesday 21st November 2023       Killing eve: Industry & Context

L/O: to apply relevant theory to contextual issues shown in texts.

How important is the context, in influencing the themes in killing Eve as a media text ?

Context specifically influences killing as it realistically depicts the life of Britain as well as the Misogyny that Britain has and showcases it in shows. Killing Eve subverts and highlights how women are left out and are a grey area in spy thrillers and makes them the stars of the show. In addition highlighting many different ethnic groups in Britain that are under represented and showcases the Britain is very multi cultural


The meaning of something being signified. He splits into 2 categories denotations and connotation. Denotations are what we get at face value what it literally means and nothing deeper about it. However,  Connotations looks deeper into something a what it really means.

Levi Strauss

He studied the hidden rules that govern a structure. He developed the idea of 'Binary Opposites' where to showcase something we show its opposite to get the full understand.

Ice cream - connotes innocence, happiness, childish

Suits + Muted lighting connotes a very serious atmosphere

Monday 27th November 2023                            Eve's character

L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation of eve in set products

Colonialism - having partial or full political control of another country, occupying is with settlers and exploiting is economically.

In the images she seems quite stressed, not smiling, hair is in a messy tied up, upset/distressed, body language is quite stiff.

Scene analysis 1:59 - 6:58

- comical and fun.

- Lack of professionalism going to work in an state

- Egotistical late, unorganised - Bringing bagged snacks/food to a profession meeting

- Confident , defiant - eating and being late to the meeting

- immature - "She said Eve' suggesting she got recognised having fun in bed with her husband having a joke

- Likeable/Appealing she can be relatable partying and informal chat with a college

- Impulsive and quirky

 Scene analysis 13-19

- Persistent phone call near the end dialogue through the phone

- Informal - speech talking to assistant about killers' "Tits"

- Funny says "get back into bed" without knowing

eve is represented as a determined, hard working defiant women working in mostly a men's workplace. She subverts the typical female stereotype and provides a bright future in MI5. In the first scene we see of her she seems rather comical and jokey as we see her screaming because she fell asleep on her arms. She is very calm with her husband after the scare and laughs about the fun night she had last night. Already developing her character showing that she doesn't have a boring lifestyle. Later she appears in her workplace at MI5 where she is dressed rather sloppy and is lacking professionalism with her tied up messy hair and untidy clothes. we can see Eve walking with her co worker and the use of binary opposites showcase how much of a mess she is in as her co worker wears beautiful bright clothes and is organised ready to work. When in the meeting she is already late and with the sate she is in adds to her lack of professionalism even to the point of her attempting to eat food in the meeting. This showcases Eve's defiant ways as although she has already caused trouble via being late and in mess she continues to act her ways rather then changing her ways. Normally women in spy thillers as assistants always professional however, Eve is in a higher stance thatn assistant and she provides importance to the meeting with her input.

Some very insightful analysis points here, well done. T: 5.Link to context- Social context of female roles.
6.Theory reference Van Zoonen.

Eve subverts the typical stereotype that spy thrillers have and the production crew of Killing Eve was all women and the message through killing eve is showcase how women shouldn't be stereotype and in British society women aren't views as equally as men.

Tuesday 28th November 2023

L/O: To explore the narrative and a characterisation of Eve in set products

Eve description - Bill in the office

- sound/Camera she's persistent and continues to argue with Bill (Low angle mid shot) shows power she's respected and see her facial expressions her and bill are equal.  Shows she is seriousness with close ups.

- accusatory high pitch rather famine

-  Props of news papers show her determination and it was organised showing how good she is at er job and isn't lazy.

Eve description - Eve in hospital

Obedient, distresses, rebellious.


Believe that gender normative stereotypes should be dismissed. When something doesn't fit the gender normals of a heterosexual ways it creates gender trouble. He is an important postmodern writer who influenced queer theories and would rather want identities t based on gender and sexualities and lets people be who they want to be.

They aren't portrayed as stereotypical male and female and although t could be influenced by an all female 

Monday 4th December 2023                      Character Villanelle

L/O:  To explore the narrative and characterisation of Villanelle in set products.

Eve is a complex character and the opening of S1, E1 of killing Eve she is represented as quite a comedic character. In The scene where Eve is on the phone with the her friend at MI5 she talks about female assassins she mentions if their are any assassins have "small breast" which to the audience seems rather comedic and breaks the tension. The scene uses several mid/close ups of Eve with her looking quite desperate and determined and her movements are quite frantic. Whereas when it cuts to her friend the camera and her moment are quite calm with the close ups. Once Eve mentions the idea of "Small breast" the tension is lost however it is a funny remark as it comes out of nowhere. This is further backed up as the dialogue from her co-worker remarks on her interest on female assassins in a snarky way. In this scene we see the social contextual reference of societies views on women and comments/remarks in the workplace as its one thing that current society is trying to improve on. We can see that van zoonen can be applied here as we can see that Eve is working a stereotypical masculine role especially in a very patriarchal society and work place however Eve subverts this.

feminine, Quite feminine and bright clothed
Rich, Outfits look quite extravagant and flamboyant
powerful, Low camera angles and direct address

Ice cream scene

At the beginning she is represented as Inhumane and lacking of humanity. when the shopkeeper smiles at the young girl we see Villanelle mimic his emotion and facial gesture but it feels uncanny and wrong something is dark about her which then make sense once she drops the act and knocks the ice cream into the girl showcasing that she inst the person we thought she was.

Villanelle shopping/apartment scene

At the start of this scene is shown as quite kind and genuine as she helps someone on the underground pick something off the floor. In addition, we see that she is dressed and seems quite stereotypically feminine with her long pink trench coat and shopping bags. In her apartment where she compliments her self calling herself "beautiful" however we see her dark side as she fakes a pill overdose going in depth with the prank. She seems quite childish though as she asks her business associate to sta and watch a movie and speaks in quite a childish tone and is rather frantic with her movement. 

Villanelle is a complex character and in the opening scene of Killing eve S1 E1 is represented as rather an abnormal character. in this villanelle is shown in an ice cream shop eating ice cream and a little girl is staring at her. We see constant mid shots and close ups of both the girls to show their facial expressions, however Villanelle stays quite stern and unresponsive with her looks and quite cold staring towards the girl. This feels wrong as Villanelle in this scene is dressed quite stereotypical feminine and rather sophisticated suggesting that everything is normal but her reactions aren't. The shopkeeper is shown with a close up smiling at the girl and her response is postive and with in this moment t fells like Villanelle has copied his reaction as she seemingly starts to smile however the eerie mouth sounds and sutle shift of eyes makes it feel fake and inhuman. She checks her watch which she is shown wiping blood of it showing the audience that something was wrong the whole time and villanelle really is abnormal she leaves in bn quite a rush state flicking the ice cream on to the girl.

Tuesday 5th December 2023          

L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation of villanelle in set products. 

 - By doing Unfeminine traits such as murder but in addition she climbs up onto buildings as well as in the photo stand next to a big bike as well as that ride it.

- Interested as we are already seen many variations of assassins however Villanelle is different and shows a new side of assassins.

- She would've been likeable however she kills 

- Personality, she's comical and her ways of murders are cool.

Tuscany scene

 Plenty establishing shots and closes ups of  food showing the culture and beauty of Tuscany.

Mid and close up shots of her repairing on the bike to go to the party

Fully body shot yet camera goes lower showing her capability and strength

non diegetic sound of a track about women with power

She looks over everyone showing he power and intelligence so she knows what to do next.

Changed clothing and now diegetic music is playing showcasing she successfully is fitting in with the crowd getting closer to the victim

She analyses everyone including the kid watching like a vulture 

Quite caring and kind to the child which is quite left wing and out of character for her.

The man views her as a sexual object however she doesn't pay into that role which any spy thrillers do.

Looking down on the victim she kills with a smile as she is proud of herself.

non diegetic sound plays music which makes her seem soft in caring way

writes down the designers name on her hand as the guy is dying in front of her

Hairpin is used to show how tactical and versatile she is  

Villanelle is a complex character which take a different turn on many ideologies in media and overall society. This is especially shown t the audience in the Tuscany scene. To start of we get establishing shots of the beautiful city in Tuscany and we see Villanelle riding a bike through it. Many  low angled close ups are shown of her riding the bike suggesting her power and presence is to be known. Once she arrives she prepares her tools preparing a hairpin in her hair which from the close ups of it suggest that will be significant an potentially a weapon reminding the audience that she is assassin with a job. Furthermore Villanelle continues to subvert the traditional ideologies of femininity via climbing on top of a roof ,being stealthy  in the building and watching over the part making her seem so powerful and dominant. Later on she ends up meeting a child where she showcase some of her heart via caring for the child. Her showcase traits of a traditional mother here is quite odd, as throughout this scene she is shown to be a lurking evil in broad daylight and makes the audience think she's playing a role or actually being kind. However, this is later disregarded as Villanelle meets her victim at first they camera angles are equal and both get close ups and for most spy tillers the idea that women are sexualised and are perhaps used to get information makes the audience think that Villanelle might go the traditional route. However she deny his way and stabs him in the eye and the camera balance is shifted.

Not Finished


where you pick up traits and identities in the media.

Monday 11th December 2023                                      Representation

L/O: To explore the representations in set products.

Compare and contrast the techniques used to represent Villanelle in Episode 1 of Killing Eve.

In the opening episode of killing Eve. Initially we see see Villanelle as a likeable character. the scene we see her likeable side is where her and Konstantin are having their conversation about Villanelle's next operation. During this scene we see her humorous and immature side of her character. This shown via the use od sound with Vuillanelle's dialogue as she constantly laughs and makes jokes with konstantin. Along side the back for camera shots of them two it makes it feel like we are watching a young daufghter beg to play with her dad rather than a serious talk. In addition, the use of mise-en-scene show Villanelle's warm and loving smile which compared to the first scene we saw of her smiling this one feels genuine and kind. With all of these characteristics added it makes the severity of the situation feel less and almost like a normal conversation even though they are talking about Villanelle's next kill. These scenes reinforce the social context in relation to the views of Russian being negative. Showcasing them having fun and making jokes around the floating idea of assassination. Could also show some light on how hidden the Russians are with Assassinations with a prime example of the poising of Alexander Livinecko and how he was poisoned by Russian spies in Uk grounds and later was killed via the poison. We see that Van zoonen can be applied here as Villanelle subverts the traditional female stereotype as she does what she wants and although she does quite masculine things that are associated with the spy thriller genre she shows that gender doesn't define her and she does what she wants.

Alternatively, in the final scene we see a different side of Villanelle which has slowly been building up through the episode and shows her true colours. We see that Eve walks in to a crime scene that villanelle has caused as there is show plenty of bodies and murders and she ends up failing at keeping on alive as we see Eve trying but the suspect ending up dying in her hands. the use of mise-en-scene here as the lighting is low key and very cold with a harsh blue connoting sadness and and overall a feeling of misery over the scene. Most of the bodies are oozing blood and the victims are laying in it and the consistent sound of beeping in the back denoting her life is slowly fading shows the true evil that Villanelle has. he previous kills have been quick and clean however this one is an outright massacre and showed the malicious intent and extent Villanelle will go to cover her tracks and how human lives don't mean anything to her. This yet again can related to the the context of Alexander Livinecko as he ended up dying in a British hospital and how the Russians got away with it so has Villanelle.

To go in deep dive in to context i mentioned a historical moment but really explain why if affects Killing Eve and how perhaps good and evil Uk vs Russia MI5 vs KGB.

Really understand what you say on the theorist. With Van zoonen.

Tuesday 12th  December 2023                                Representation

L/O: To explore representations in set products


Dom: Supportive, helpful, innocent, young P

Niko: less traditional, cooks, looks after Eve P

Konstantin: More authorative, Father role P

Bill: Nice, supportive, caring, Older P

Frank: traditional, deceptive, older serious N

Victims: Misogenist, older , predatory N

Masculinity As thoughtful - Niko dom

  • Niko - seen as supportive of Eve, despite being asked for sex he still supports her in her tangents rather than asking for more in the actions, showing he thinks of her as a person. This paired with how he brings her food despite her being somewhat distant, followed by asking what she thinks rather than continuing to disappoint her in his answer.
Dom - lets Eve do the talking. Polite and helpful when around eve.

Monday 8th January 2024           Representation

L/O: To explore the theory and representation in set products.

Baudrillard applies to killing eve with its use of real locations being a hyper real such as London with the double deckers mid weather etc. However, theres a simulacra with the Mi5 as we haven't seen what mI5 looks like so its an edit version which seems realistic to us.

Gaunlett the media has a complex relationship with identities. With Killing Eve supports Gaunlett as most characters subvert their gender roles in a postive way such as Eve Caroline Villanelle and Niko.

Hall focuses on stereotypes and how highlighting them. In killing eve theres a lack of disabled ppeople and economic struggles which isn't displayed enough in the show. Not showcasing  the struggles the groups go through on a day to day life.

Socio-economic groups (class ) Within Britain

In killing Eve the lack of socio economic groups isn't apparent throughout the first episode. Most of the main cast lives in a middle or higher class as their jobs revolve around the secret service and their home lives are rarely shown. In Britain we are shown only Eve's perspective of life outside of work and even that is rarely highlighted appon and seems rather average for the high life of an MI5 agent as we see her go to corner shops to get some milk. People around Eve also aren't highlighted on and seem to be in the same class as her. Overall, Killing Eve fails to highlight different socio economic groups as in the first episode it lacks showcasing the different classes and mainly focuses on Eve who lives in the middle class of society but that isn't focused on in the episode.

Thursday 9th January 2024                               Audience and industry



Hall argues audience respond to the preferred reading in one in three different ways:

Dominant position - Audiences either accept the preferred reading.

oppositional position - Reject it.

Negotiated position  Accept some elements but modify their aspects to fit their own views or experiences.

Killing Eve

The Dominant position is the patriotic duty

Dominant - eve is committed to saving lives due to her job and goes beyond the call of duty to find the truth

Negotiated - agree with the need for patriotic duty but find Eve and her methods unrealistic

Oppositional - British  Propaganda-demonising those from Russia as others and promoting the rule of British Law.


 Bandura believes that the media influences people directly on the values and behaviour of an audience members. However, the can have an indirect influence through social networks. He argues that audiences may imitate behaviours they see represented n the media especially those who show violence or aggression.

Killing Eve

The representations of violence are placed alongside these of humour trivialises the violence and the severity and therefore could be be seen to imitate the behaviour. These are still patriarchal ideas withinthe text as the roles with higher power are men. Therefore the male characters in MI5 can reinforce patriarchal ideals in the mind of the audiences


Draws attention to the need to investigate the longer term effects on individuals who consume LFTVD Box-sets

Attitudinal effects of violent representations suggest television programs create belief to the audience the world is a dangerous place, with negative events.

Supports the idea that TV should be regulated to avoid harm.

Killing Eve

The idea of violence in society hidden realms is reproduced via Villanelle

The mistrust in society is shown via the mistrust in the MI5 and the Russia element the conspiracy with the CCTV with the cover up

The mean world syndrome is repeated in the violent acts and the crime that is shown in the narrative in the opening episode.

Killing Eve Hospital scene

Villanelle's overall behaviour may be replicated as her nonchalantness with her killing 

The truth  

Monday 15th January 2024                                     Industry

L/O: To explore the industry theory and apply set products.

Curran and Seaton

ownership & control are important in how media functions.

Media industries are capital & aim to increase concentration of ownership; leads to narrowing of opinions represented in the media. Owners pursue profit at the expense of quality and creativity.

Media ownership is the most important factor in the way media media industries work. The concentration of media ownership means the media industry is controlled by small conglomerates which limits the viewpoints represented.

Despite the development of online media the established major media organisations continue to be dominant.

The issue of ownership and control is the risk and profitability vs critical appeal in TV drama depends on who is funding the production.

There is international dominance of American Streaming services - Netflix, in disturbing. many LFT Dramas, this can limit the representations that are created through the ownership and control productions.

Killing Eve

Diverse in race
Diverse rep of britain
Diverse in gender
Diverse in sexuality

Media Mag

Conglomerates care about profit and power. 

They have a set formula so creativity is losted.


Cultural industries follow a capitalist pattern of increasing concentration and integration so productions is owned and controlled by a few conglomerates.

risk is seen in terms of loss of money. Risk is high because production cost are high.

Draws attention to the ownership and control purposes, such as as BBC PSB ethos even though this was a pay subscription in the USA.

Killing Eve

Cost of actors varied. Villanelle played by Jodie Comer who is a new up comming actress so attention to her will be low hoever paying her less as shes not as know as the actress for Eve Sandra oh which would cost more.

Location cost aswell filming in Vienna, Tuscany and Paris.

Livingstone and Lunt

Consumers are individuals who seek private benefits. Citizens are social, seek public or social benefits from the media and require regulations to promote public interest.

Media regulation regulates the range of consumer and citizen needs

Regulation is needed so it can promote public interests. However, Traditional forms of regulation is challenged by the online and globalised media culture resulting in technological advances such as the internet.

Tuesday 16th January 2024                                      Exam stuff

L/O:  To apply theory in exam responses. Demonstrate analysis of set product linked to an Exam question.

To what extent do TVD Create contrasting representations in contemporary media products?

The representations in Killing Eve often contrast against each other. With each character having their own representations and having an opposite character with an juxtaposing representation.

This can seen with the character Eve as she is represented as a determined and strong female character. This show via her use of her dialogue, camerawork, mise-en-scene and lighting. Her dialogue is also upfront an loud throughout the episode but we can see her character displayed as being determined in the the scene after the hospital massacre.  The establishing shot showcases Eve and Bill in a low-key cold lighten room where Eve is casted n the shadows, this represents the despair and guilt she's fallen into as she couldn't save her witness from death. This is emphasised further with a close up of her bloody hands as she rubs them anxiously. Her drive for the call the duty led her to her to a dangerous situation. Although she couldn't save her the blood on her hands symbolises her attempt and strength she has to save lives and continue the case. Whereas, Bill was shown in light and was clean of blood highlighting the difference between the two just in that scene. This highlights the change in social  norms of gender. In this episode it focuses on Eve as a leader and the fact that she subverts the traditional lead roles in spy thrillers being traditional masculine men where Eve plays that role in a unique way. Van zoonen can be used here  as Eve plays a traditional masculine role as an MI5 agent and her actions throughout the episode lead to a more masculine way and contrast with other  male characters. After all, the production team of Killing Eve were all women and there message of social norms though this episode with the development of characters especially Eve shows that social norms have changed and is heading in the right direction leaving sexism behind.

T:6 - Eve subverts the traditional role of a female character as Killing Eve is more focuses on the story and the journey these characters go through. Due to thee whole crew of production for the show being ran by women they wanted to show that the spy thriller genre needs a refresh and a change from the stereotypical ways characters are shown and how there is a plethora of ways to produce a spy thriller without showcase traditional sexist ways, promoting diversity within the genre of Killing Eve.

Monday 22nd January 2024                                Lupin

L/O: To explore the narrative, theme & characters in set episode

10 - 15 mins of Money Heist 

- Central characters whose motives develop with them

- A main storyline with interwoven subplots

- A combination of complex characters that are ambiguous or enigmatic, creating tension and questions for the audience.

A group of ambiguous mysterious yet cunning criminal

The main character having a sad backstory signifies she's detached from life 

The main plot being these group of criminals pulling of the biggest heist of all time

Tokyo's backstory/her mum.

Lupin research

Who created it - Netflix

Which two people wrote the series - George Kay British scripted it in English and Francois Uzan translated it to French context

What awards did it win - 

Episode 1 was released in 2021. It became first French series to reach the top 10 list

What did Netflix do to the series in 2023 they created a 3rd part due to the success

 Assane Diop plans the theft of an expensive diamond necklace, once owned by Marie-Antoinette, which his father Babakar had been accused of stealing from the wealthy Pellegrini family 25 years earlier. He enlists the help of a group of loan sharks, to whom he owes money. 

Tuesday 22nd January 2024                                 Lupin Watch party

Main narrative/quest/conflict set up:

Main character wants to "avenge" his father by stealing the necklace that killed his father taking on the role as "Lupin"

Enigma codes:

What did his father do ?

Who is Lupin ?

What has the MC done before to be this smart ?

What happened to the Daughter ?

What happened to his Mother ?

Why does his son dislike his father ?

How does his know him ?

Why does he own money ?

Individual character narratives:

What happens to the sharks afterwards ?

What happened to Lupin ?

What will the detective find out ?

Does he get caught ?

Monday 29th January 2024                                      Lupin

L/O: To explore the narrative theory and genre Theory. To apply the theory to the set text.


narratology is the study of narrative, and his case the narrative structure of media.

All narratives can be split down to 5 section: equilibrium, the disruption, recognition of disruption, attempt to resolve disruption and then New Equilibrium.

The movement from the initial equilibrium to the new equilibrium shows a transformation in the character (Character development) this expresses what the narrative values.

Lupin Equilibrium

Equilibrium - Stable but troubled life with his single parent family in a racist society.

Disruption - Losing his father 25 years ago.

 Recognition of disruption - heist has been planned, however the shark gang betrays Lupin.

attempt to resolve - Sharks don't get away instead are arrested.

New equilibrium - Lupin stealing the real gems and going to his wife and son.

Lupin Narrative

The use of a non - linear narrative structure, filled with flashbacks and red herrigns, arguably serves its purpose

It provides an overview of Assane's plan and explains how Babakar's mistreatment led to central conflict of the narrative.

The non - linear narrative is also used to misdirect the audience. Adding to the tension and suspense in the first episode.

Genre theory: Neale

Genre is a process buy which genre codes and conventions are shared by producers and audiences through repetition in media products.

This means genres aren't fixed, but constantly evolve with new additions which creates genre codes and conventions become hybrids with other genres.

with the ever- evolving genre codes and conventions it doesn't just effect films however affects all media products such as advertising and much more around media. 

Lupin Genre

Crime thriller. Involvement of a heist with high risk high reward. Mystery with the whole obsession of necklace and dynamic around it being foggy.

Similar to sherlock homes and money heist.

The police in this show are not positive as our main character is a criminal

don't need much advertising as its on Netflix and the audience will appeal to it if the audience like specific things and genres

The main character is black which isn't really a prominent role in spy thrillers so the main character being black and showcases something lacking in genre and the main character doesn't need a a wealthy white guy for it to be successful. Also tacks problems with racism.

Thursday 30th January 2024                                           Lupin context

L/O: To explain the context of the production, and contextual themes in set episode.

Industry context

 - Lupin was written by an English writer and scripted in English, it was then translated by a French writer who co-wrote some of the episode into a French setting and situation.

- Internationally it has been very successful and this could be down to the fact it appeals to both audiences through joint writing and fitting to the context of both cultures accurately.

Media Language Opening scenes 0 - 7:38

Lupin context

The representation of Babakar when Assane was a teenager and the though - provoking depiction of the Black immigrant experience.

the success of the drama perhaps partly sterns from the interplay of dominant ideologies and witty subversion of stereotypes. Despite being the protagonist, Assane is entreatingly aware he is overlooked by authorities. Even in a group of thugs who threaten him he takes the big guy down and says "Just like they do" showcasing that people overlook him and don't think high of him due to his "class and race".

Character's interactions with Assane reinforces certain sterrotypes. Anne's innate prejudience when seeing a black guy come up to her car. As well as, Assane's role as a cleaner, his involvement in a drug ring and his overall portryal as a crinimal makes reinforces the historical misinterpretation and marginalisation of a social group


LP - Filmed only in paris
KE - Filmed in multiple locations

- This showcases the budget of the two shows and how KE had  a bigger budget out of the two due to how KE was able to be shot in multiple locations whereas LP was stuck in Paris.

LP - Although lower budget Netflix one best foreign tv series


LP - showcases many classes via the main character and people around the MC
KE - Mainly focused on middle class a both MC's are middle class cistizens.

- France is known for beimng one of the highest European countries for Gender equality.

- However it is also known to have 80% of the Paris Population living outside the city, in areas that are deprived and unable to get out of the poverty trap.


Time periods during France and how it was.


Although we don't see any political leaders we can see how police force is used and we can see that the police aren't the best at their service.

Social context

The flashbacks to Assane's childhood show his life with his father as immigrants working for a powerful family and the racial inequalities that surround that

Intertextual references in Lupin

The use of the Mona Lisa which is internationally known.

The book Arsene Lupin the Gentleman Bugular.

Shots of the Eiffel Tower in the episode and the Louvre references countless films and tourist texts

The shows of the rough banlieue reference the seats in French TV (La Haine)

Lupin links to the pink panther and the saint

Cultural Context

- This was released in 2021 during the global pandamic 

Monday 5th February                    Male characters Lupin

L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation in set products

Strong, determined - Assane
Cheat, manipulative - Mr Pelegrini
Criminal, negative - Loan Sharks
Stereotypical male appearance - Muscular gang member
Skilled - Assane, Jeweller, Police man
Weak, inadequate - Smaller gang member (lack of education)

Scene Analysis 5:23 - 11;32

Scene itself - Deep dark music (suspenseful) accompanying the location. Shot types are wide long shots most aerial shots. This makes Assane look small and irrelevant and shows how bad the location really is. Editing of flashback is concise and quick alongside the sound of Assane talking being diegetic to us and audience becomging stronger than the gang member as he speaks to everyone.

Flashback lighting is more of a warmer hue. adding to the fact its autumn 

Assane - Weak, clothing is basic and muted with colour hiding him.  When surround by the gang members he looks inferior and shorter.

The gang members - Low educated not understanding and then underestimating him. This shows that low class citizens in France probably go to crime and are quite aggressive fixed on money to hopefully escape poverty. Blunt, rude. Due to poverty they are vulnerable so are quite aggressive towards anyone. Money hungry. Tattoos show their rebelliousness and their outfits show their class and with what they wear seem quite threatening.

His father (Babakar) - He is a kind man taking care of his son and even though the women showed a slight disgust to him he still offered help . Socially aware to racist remarks but ignores them so his son doesn't know he also isn't excepted.

Van zoonen - Gender

Ideas of femininity and masculinity are constructed in our performance of these roles in our performance of our roles.

Gender is about what we do rather than who we are and changed meaning depending on cultrual and historical contexts.

The concept of patriarchy may be applied to the ownership and control of television, the recruitment and ethos of television professionals and the representation of gender.

Butler - Gender performativity

Believe that gender normative stereotypes should be dismissed. When something doesn't fit the gender normals of a heterosexual ways it creates gender trouble. He is an important postmodern writer who influenced queer theories and would rather want identities t based on gender and sexualities and lets people be who they want to be.

Gauntlett - Identity

The media have a complex relationship with identities. In the modern day people are making their own choice on their identity and lifestyles. Many media have messages that individuals can use through their identities to express themselves.

Hall - Representation

Stereotypes and how they are constructed should be pulled apart and deconstructed to identify what they tell us about ideology. Power of media try and either showcase one way of the representation making it the preferred reading or openly expressing it showing and highlighting multiple possible meanings.

Exam questions

In lupin men are shown to be unintelligent, inadequate yet aggressive to certain people. We see this in the scene where the gang members meet Assane in the apartments. to start of all 3 gang members have certain features to showcases this via their tattoos and clothing. We see the leader of the gang where a tracksuit which is vibrant in the muted colours of the apartment trying to show his importance and the huge muscular gang member shows his body having several several tattoos and due to his size making him seem threatening. The 3rd one seems to lack intelligence due to the fact that while Assane is being threatened he sits and plays video games locking his eyes to the screen.these characters reinforce the negative yet realistic depiction of lower class society in France as they probably are just put in an unfortunate situation which they couldn't get out of.  the reality of it is that the media like showing the beauty and exquisite side of France however, 80% are living in these types of areas which the "gang members are shown to be living. Resorting to their nature of crime and threatening Assane's life just to get some money. A representation theory can used here as Hall suggest that stereotypes should be deconstructed to get in depth view on what they are really showing to the audience to tell us about the ideology.  What we see here are some stereotypical gang members but alternatively, this is the reality of France and these characters are really struggling to live their lives due to how society works living off of scraps and overs to try and survive.

Tuesday 6th February 2024

L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation in set products

Assane the Gentleman 12:0 - 18:54

What happens in this scene?
- Entrance to the auction grabbing his invitation and sitting in the bidding haul where many other rich and wealthy bidders are. The bidders talk about the history of the necklace in depth which cuts to flashbacks of the Peligrini's where we Babakar being a driver for them and a look into the necklace. another flashback with a young Assane with him being forced to swim for the peligrini's daughter julliette. the gang are entering the building at the same time the gang members enter secretly as cleaners

How is Assange represented?
- assane is shown to be confident with his walk and his smart tuxedo showing his wealth and success. Although he seems like a gentlemen of high wealth in the higher class people around him make him seem inferior and outcasted by the other people in the auction via their body language and possible concern when looking to him. 

Why this scene is effective and significant for the plot in Episode 1?
- It showcases the drive for Assane as we see in the flashbacks he and his father are discriminated via their race and class by the peligrini's, and shows why the necklaces is valued to him. really paints the picture of good and evil as we create empathy for Assane and distastes for the Peligrini's for how they treated him in the past.

How does this highlight the class differences in French society?
- Clothes and position of the two groups. The rich and higher class are above the cleaners joyous and happy while the lower levelled and lower class being upset and in lower room to them.

How is the Mise en scene & camerawork used to show this?
- The use of camerawork panning from the lower levels of the building. as well as, Panning around the necklace of 

Gilroy pays attention to the continuing role of colonial ideology - of superiority of white western culture - across of range of representations.

The history of colonialism continues to influence attitudes ethnicity in western societies.

Britain mourn its loss of empire , creating 'Postcolonial melancholia',  criminalising immigrants and an 'us and them'


hyperreal - representations don't represent reality, instead they are representations of representations.

Hyperreality - Is the idea that representations are more powerful and ' real' than reality.

Simulacra - the representations that is not able to tell the difference between reality and representations.

Exam question

 We can see that in Lupin that the issue of class discrimination ids highly prominent and is a point that the creates of Lupin are trying to showcase to the audience.  This is especially shown in what is know as the Assane the Gentlemen scene. In this scene we see Assane dressed in a well dressed, luxurious suit entering the auction. Once entered we see several other wealthy bidders sitting waiting for the auction to beginning. The use of media language also highlights that Assane is apart of the higher class as the lighting is bright and surround everyone proving their importantance to society as well as the overall colour palette of the scene being quite saturated with luxury colours like gold and dark blues. The sound in this scene is accompanied with gentle violin even though its non-diegetic its a nice touch added to the secne to really show the how higher in society the bidders are.

Monday 19th February 2024                                    Lupin - Race and Class

L/O: to explore the social context of class and race through the characterisation in set products.


Villanelle is beautiful and well dressed. here we can see here in such a bright pink dress connoting her beauty and how precious she is. the reason they have made those choice is so the audience can idolise her and appreciate her as a character. Rather then looking at her in one way. being the antagonist she has a unique flair with her character which the audience enjoys and this shown via her costume. The gang members are way rigid not too appealing clothes suggesting they are struggling financially suggesting class is more important to them then gender. tattoos connote rebelling and we can see the gang members have several making them seem against the system  and do their own thing to survive.

research - France on Immigration

- Most of the public of France look at immigrating in a negative light with 56% saying they dislike (23% of that percentile highly dislike) the idea of immigration.

- Anti-immigration laws which makes being a foreigner in France a lot more difficult being treated differently to people who are born. people who are foreign have to apply for France nationality and if convicted off a crime you can not even apply for it.

- France is slowly becoming a far right political party

- Class divison is very obvious being first estate, second estate and third estate. They also have ''suburbs' however their suburbs are a twisted reality being huge towers of apartments for people to live who end up mostly being migrants.

- France has a poverty rate of 45% that is above national average

We see that in Killing eve their is vast showcase of multiculturalism of London as most actors we see actually are oof certain ethnicity. Having the main star Sandra O being Korean and American her friend Elena being actress Kirby Howell-baptise who is black. Jodie comer playing Villanelle who is Russian and Owen McDonnell playing niko who's character is polish. This is a postive reflection for the show as overall the cast is diverse in race and characters which paints London as highly diverse and accepting migration in some shape or form.

However, France is portrayed in a negative light as most the characters are rich white people and the main protagonist being black and seeing the racial abuse he has gone through and seeing how negative and Poor France looks puts a negative Light on France compared to what we normally see in movies.                                                                                                                                                                            
  Class issues in Lupin

 - The cleaners having a grey and gritty setting out of the way leaves an idea of prejudice

 - Variation of ethnic background amongst cleaners, suggests its. a job given to those who are not native or 'less fortunate'

 - Muted lighting 

 - Suburban apartment complex, graffiti on run down concrete suggesting the lack of care, control and order in this location 

- Lack of greenery, devoid of life and dull with damaged architecture and rusted metal 

 - Hoodie worn to fit in with this social decay area with the hood up as if to not stand out

 - Tilt pan emphasises height of the high-rise

 - Flat is small with junk around and sportswear on show 

 - Low angle drone shots and shots off of balcony emphasise the size of these subrubian lower class regions

 - The presentation of the lower class being incompetent is clear in how the criminals struggle to preform tasks like knocking something out, or how he taps buttons in hope something happens rather 

 - Lack of knowledge and tact seen  

                                                                                                                                                                         Racism in Lupin
  The 'like you' said responded to by hesitation leaves a clear implication of racial profiling and  expectation within France 

- built in prejudice within the system 

Barthes - semiology 
We see the connotation of the colour Paulette n the show shows the social class the characters are in. If the colour palette is muted they are lower class if higher saturated higher class

Bell Hooks - Feminist theory

- Characters such as Assane's ex or Juliette Peligini are somewhat sexualised or not seen outside of their male backing

Levi strauss
- Foreign and native binary opposition 

Tuesday 21st February 2024                                  Representation- gender 

L/O: to explore the social context of gender through the characterisation in set products.

Van zoonen

 - Ideas of femininity and masculinity are constructed in our performance of these roles in our performance of our roles.

 - Gender is about what we do rather than who we are and changed meaning depending on cultrual and historical contexts.

 - The concept of patriarchy may be applied to the ownership and control of television, the recruitment and ethos of television professionals and the representation of gender.


 - The media have a complex relationship with identities. In the modern day people are making their own choice on their identity and lifestyles. Many media have messages that individuals can use through their identities to express themselves.

Lupin Gender
Gender in Lupin is very traditional and stereotypical. We see most male characters are dominant and out speak women. For example Peligrini when accuse Babakar his wife has no power to argue against him as he out speaks her and sends Babakar to prison. As well as in modern times we see the thugs are very traditional with their huge muscles and using means of aggression to talk rather than thinking about plans. The women in Lupin are also very traditionally shown and for most parts objectified. For example the first time we see pelegrini's daughter she is shown in a swimsuit and uses herself as a reward for Assane. Later we see her being showed off in the Biding rather then proclaiming her stance of the necklace.

- Notes from the blog

Hall - Representation

Stereotypes and how they are constructed should be pulled apart and deconstructed to identify what they tell us about ideology. Power of media try and either showcase one way of the representation making it the preferred reading or openly expressing it showing and highlighting multiple possible meanings.

social issues

 - Our protagonist faces racial inequalities via flashbacks we see in the episode. We see how people treated his father and himself. In current times we see that people under estimate him or look at him weirdly especially at the bidding via his entrance and how people react to him in the bidding. Although he is a new bidder his presences isn't really wanted

- We can see that the France isn't as pretty as we see in other media we see a reality check via the suburbs of France. Giant buildings, no longer cared for with graffiti and we can see that the citizens look appalled and try their hardest to live their life. 

- Most of the people in power in Lupin are white and see most oter people struggle to live and how judged Assane is when he enters a higher class area shows the white power. They also speak about the history and takes pride in the history and wealth they can get from it.        

Both protagonist and overall episodes in Lupin and Killing Eve both reflect societal issues throughout the 1st episdoers of their shows. The main Societal issues that Lupin covers iss racism in current times and in Killing Eve its gender equality.

To start off, Killing Eve is a spy thriller which was created by BBC America however, the most important hing about the overall production is the fact that all the production team were women.This fact alone is something that is very important to current society as most male producers get praise but alternatively women aren't appreciated as much as as men are. In Killing Eve the main protagonist and antagonist are women yet again something uncommon on spy thrillers but adding on to that point they aren't stereotypical, traditional women from the spy thriller genre. The overall concept of women in Spy Thrillers are for them to be objectified and used to get answers however, Killing Eve flips this on it's head painting and displaying women in a different way proving a point that change is needed in the genre and covers a very important societal issue. Van zoonen theory can be applied throughout Killing Eve with the way Eve is presented. She plays the masculine role of a spy thriller her actions throughout the first episode are more important and are focused on more than her being a female. In addition, not only does she play a masculine role as a protagonist in a spy thriller, she also aspects like "The man" in her relationship with Niko. Flipping the traditional historical stereotype in media and in real life. We have seen that media has attempted to evolve past the natural sexism that women faced in the past but, sexism is still normalised and even made of fun of in current times however, products like Killing shine light on the issue and flip it around go against what old societal norms and current problems the world is experiencing.

For Lupin we can see that the main societal issue that we see covered in Lupin is Racism. Although just like Killing Eve other problems and societal issues are showcased the main one that will be noticeable  audiences a immediately is racism. we see that it blantatly in flashbacks looking into Assane's past and how racist people were to his and his Farther. Lupin showcases a predominately white cast of characters and their actions towards Assane and his father Babakar are mostly or have slight intentions of racism behind it. We see that Assane felt overlooked when meeting the thugs, when he went to the bid it wasn't a smooth entrance as even bouncers were off-putted and during the bid we can see that at first they almost weren't going to accept his offer till they realised he had money. In flashbacks Assane experienced head on racism with the Peligrini's daughter telling him to swim due to his skin tone. His father trying to help somone he knew was at first looked on in a dangerous and scary way as the owner of car thought she was goung to get robbed. Finally, in the falsbacks we see Babakar falsely accused of stealing something due his race and because of his false conviction he tok his own life. Although we see traditional negative stereotypes used against the protagonist to make us feel bad for him they also have the main protagonist steal the expensive gems which is a typical stereotype black people have unfortunately known for. 

Thursday 26th February 2024      Lupin Representation of Gender

Scene (18:54 - 21:11) The plan and the auction

Gang is quite unfitting in their new role although its for lower class workers they don't fit with the order of society

Close up shots are used to show the tension having mainly closes ups when fighting with bird eye shots of the fight

the upper class citizen are looked at royal with them all being looked at as a rich bidder waiting for more items to be showcased.

Lighting in this scene is very prevalent as we see in the lower areas of the building its a muted dark light with hints of grey to show how far away they are from higher society while in the top main floor of the building shines saturated royal blues and golds to showcase their wealth and importance.

we see that Assane is the only black person in the auction and although he is among the upper class bidders he seems isolated from them and they needed to give him a background check to see if he is even worthy.

Scene: (21:11 - 25:14) - Flashback and the next stage of the plan, the control room

Mr Pellegrini is arrogant and full of himself more focused on his stance and life then anything as its shown with his relationship with is wife it seems she feels inferior and not as comfortable with him and we can see he is the one financially in control

Mrs Pellegrini is inferior and more caring one of the only upper class characters that shows a side of sympathy and care for others as her second interaction with Babakar is quite pleasent and caring

Babkar is preserved and quite a kind good person as even with his situation and wary of the racism he still continues to live his life with a smile on his face taking care of the Pellegrini''s as best as he can

The gang members are uncoordinated and disorganised and are quite anxious throughout the scne whereas Assane is calm smooth and organised with his part of the operation even with more tenser situation.

Levi - Strauss Structualism

He studied the hidden rules that govern a structure. He developed the idea of 'Binary Opposites' where to showcase something we show its opposite to get the full understand.

Scene: (25:14 - 30:100 - necklace being taken.

Mid body shots with most people surround him although he bought the necklace its still not his and the low shots of him.
The editing of the current timeline smoothly cuts to the past and we can see this necklace brings back the past into Assane's life connecting him with his father's life revolving around the necklace and overall successfully revenging his father by "Owning it"

Wide long shot showing him surrounded by other people rather than him and the bidder congratulating his purchase it looks more like they are ready to tackle him rather than enjoy his moment.

The gang end up stuttering a lot and the fact most the time they end up having to use aggression with objects the have around them shows how flat their plan was and how lucky thry got in this scene even when fighting Assane they cause the alarm to go off and are confused when assane gives them an order

Semiology - Barthes

The meaning of something being signified. He splits into 2 categories denotations and connotation. Denotations are what we get at face value what it literally means and nothing deeper about it. However,  Connotations looks deeper into something a what it really means.             

Scene: (30:00 - 31:59)  - Prison Flashbacks 

establishing long shots the prison doesn't look like a traditional prison we see in media
Medium long shots of young Assane looking in to the cell's of other prisoners and seeing the close compactness of the cells seem similar to the poorer areas of the France where the Gangstas are from but the fact the colour palette in this scene seems somewhat bright it makes it seem less threatening

the french law system seems to struggle dealing with prisoners and struggle with keeping them well as we see Babakar dead as he has killed himself for being wrongly convicted perhaps the justice system is easily persuaded or slightly prejudice.

Dietetic sound of the ambient noises makes the place Assane is in unwelcoming and grimy and unpolished which is stereotypical for prison but it makes the audience no he isn't safe and unfortunately misfortune is following him as he walks

The scene of the grave where Assane disrespects Mrs Pellegrini as he doesn't care about class systems and is more disgusted in the actions that occurred and could've stopped it however rather than sticking to being kind and respectful he jus says his own opinion.

Cultivation Theory - Gerbner

Draws attention to the need to investigate the longer term effects on individuals who consume LFTVD Box-sets

Attitudinal effects of violent representations suggest television programs create belief to the audience the world is a dangerous place, with negative events.

Supports the idea that TV should be regulated to avoid harm.

Audience theory: Hall

Hall argues audience respond to the preferred reading in one in three different ways:

Dominant position - Audiences either accept the preferred reading.

oppositional position - Reject it.

Negotiated position  Accept some elements but modify their aspects to fit their own views or experiences.
Scene: (31:59 - 34:450 - the capture of the gang, the police officer and Assane

We see the police procedural genre where the detectives are arresting the criminals and we see them seize the necklace and talk about what they will do next. Gang members are restrained and searched they secure necklaces in evidence bags. main detective feels like an older detective with an unwelcoming body language and being closed off and more confrontational doesn't fit with the upper class.

However, as an audience we see them more antagonistically rather than as traditional police procedural having them as protagonist as we don't want Assane to be caught so in this scene they are shown to be quite negative and unlikeable and rude. But swap the roles they may seem entertaining.

Mise en scene is the same as other seems but roughed up like the loose of the suit and the scrape on the pen with the smart outfits warn by the police and security
The camera is often wide shots with multiple characters in 


-attention to process of difference with repetition and hybridity with the mixing of genres 

genre is a process buy which genre codes and conventions are shared by producers and audiences through repetition in media products.

This means genres aren't fixed, but constantly evolve with new additions which creates genre codes and conventions become hybrids with other genres.

with the ever- evolving genre codes and conventions it doesn't just effect films however affects all media products such as advertising and much more around media. 

Scene: (34:50 - 36:20) - Flashback to the report on Babakar on the news

Social realism - text/characters - Reflects the issues with society 

we can see that in this Scene Assane lives in a low class, basic, functional flat. quite small and cramped walls are damaged being damped, although its a flashback he has a tiny TV. the lighting is rather warm so although it isn't the best place its enough for him to be cozy. He only got one gift being a book although it is an expensive book its a singular book but he is so grateful which can allude to him not being so materialistic.

this shows societies troubles as not only has his father been wrongly prosecuted and dead he has to live in a basic, lower class flat by himself with no carer. the news report slanders Babakar however, even in such tough times Assane has a stronger connection to his father.

The news report talking and describing Babakar as a man from Senegal makes it seem like he is a negative and bad man and the consequences he got were earned due to the impact he left on the Peligrini's however, as an audience we know he was innocence and more important than that but the news shuns this from the public painting him as a villain which in current society see the news and information divide the social groups due to certain opinions and we see that in Lupin people from Senegal are viewed negatively.


 Bandura believes that the media influences people directly on the values and behaviour of an audience members. However, the can have an indirect influence through social networks. He argues that audiences may imitate behaviours they see represented n the media especially those who show violence or aggression.

scene: (36: 50 - 41: 30) - revealing Assane's plan through the voice over and flashback

Assane is shown to be well off and living quite luxurious and he is unknown  to the world. this is shown via the mise-en-secne in the scene as we see his bookshelves has increased his tv is better quality no longer boxy. he has a proper wardrobe and his view out of his window is beautiful.
Monday 11th march 2024         Representation in Lupin - Gender

L/O: Analyse a selection of scenes using accurate media terminology.


hyperreal - representations don't represent reality, instead they are representations of representations.

Hyperreality - Is the idea that representations are more powerful and ' real' than reality.

Simulacra - the representations that is not able to tell the difference between reality and representations.

Lupin Postmodernism

- Irony is shown as it was his whole plan all along

- Homage is here as what Assane does is about the stories of the burglar Lupin

 - Intertextual references such as wikipedia, Eminem and i got the blues popular songs playing as well as locations being real and well known.

- Fragmented narritive is here as we go back through the story with a new perspective jumping from current time to the past going over the steps of his pan and how it formed.

- Loss of reality Very unrealistic plan that cant work  in true hindsight

- Lack of verisimilitude - He played everyone and everything make it appear fake and lack the last point not realistic/real. 

- What if is created with his plan not being successful.

Todorov's starter

- Eqilibrium

- disruption

- recognition of siruption

- Attempt to solve

 - New Equilibrium.

Individualism - The habit of principle of being independent and self-reliant

Consumerism - The preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods

Patriarchy - A system of society of government in which men hold power 

Ethnocentrism - (belief that your own culture is normal and natural and that other cultures are inferior and strange.


The black Atlantic is a transatlantic culture that i simultaneously African, America, Caribbean and british 

Britain has failed to mourn is loss of empire, creating post-colonial melancholia, leading to a version of british colonial history that criminalises immigrants making and is vs them. approach 

representations create a belief in they inherent superiority of white western civilisation 

Lower class - their area of living as it’s poorly taken care of as-well as mise-en-scene and  media lang

Aristocracy /rich - Powerful, above everyone fancy well dressed

Police - Traditional cunning cold yet one step behind

Migrants - Unfortunate lower than everyone and aren't accepted

Family unit - Babakar and Assane are strong loving and caring however Pellegrini gamily seems cold distant barely stable

Racism - harsh known but not blatant important


Events -  Cleaning crew coming after the huge heist although a huge crime was committed they still have a job to do. Helps because it makes Assane's plan which to us seems cunning at first but makes it seem more realistic and exciting.

Characters - Assane's family as they fall out the start with what seems to be a realistic focusing on their son and we can see they don't seem stable, but once Assane pulls himself together the wife is relieved and Assane and his son have a good conversation and overall family time.

Ideology - Social realism with the racism factors in the flashbacks where Babakar experiences discrimination from the pellegrini's. and ends up killing himself to being wrongfully convicted due to him being at the scene and due to his lower class and being his ethnicity placed a huge role on his convictions which depicts a real invoice on current society.

Narrative - the idea of Assane Lupin and giving an example of the figure and the way people want revenge for the discrimination ethnicity.

Tuesday 12th March 2024                  Industry and theory applied

L/O: To explore the industry theories and how these can be applied to the set text

Curran & Seaton

ownership & control are important in how media functions.

Media industries are capital & aim to increase concentration of ownership; leads to narrowing of opinions represented in the media. Owners pursue profit at the expense of quality and creativity.

Media ownership is the most important factor in the way media media industries work. The concentration of media ownership means the media industry is controlled by small conglomerates which limits the viewpoints represented.

Despite the development of online media the established major media organisations continue to be dominant.

The issue of ownership and control is the risk and profitability vs critical appeal in TV drama depends on who is funding the production.

There is international dominance of American Streaming services - Netflix, in disturbing. many LFT Dramas, this can limit the representations that are created through the ownership and control productions.

- American TV has followed the free enterprise model, which meant that commercial Tv because dominated by a few networks as Curran Seaton's model state providing and narrowing of opinions and profit over creativity and quality.

- HBO - In the 90s, subscriptions and satellite meant less adverts and better quality programming. This made way for services such as Netflix which are a counter argument for Curran & Seaton as they critically acclaimed series, (Lupin)


Cultural industries follow a capitalist pattern of increasing concentration and integration so productions is owned and controlled by a few conglomerates.

risk is seen in terms of loss of money. Risk is high because production cost are high.

Draws attention to the ownership and control purposes, such as as BBC PSB ethos even though this was a pay subscription in the USA.

- He stated that in the media risk is loss of money, production cost are high so risk is high, therefore models are repeated to ensure that they are a big hit success, stars, genres, franchises and narrative to sell to audiences. 

- Netflix fits this model as it needs big hits in order to pull in the audience, these need to attract new subscribers alongside existing audiences but the work must be creative, and stand out from mass produced drama.

Economic models

Public funding - BBC

Commercial funding by advertisers - Antenna, satellite, RTL

Funding of subscription - Netflix 

Sales of programmes and formats

the case study 

Lupin was produced y Netflix a publicly traded company, it reflects the economic context of America of free market capitalisation - it delivers goods hat the audience pay for

Killing eve was produced by Sid Gentle now commercial arm of the BBC, BBC america is a channel co-owned by the BBC and AMC networks.

Livingstone and lunt

Consumers are individuals who seek private benefits. Citizens are social, seek public or social benefits from the media and require regulations to promote public interest.

Media regulation regulates the range of consumer and citizen needs

Regulation is needed so it can promote public interests. However, Traditional forms of regulation is challenged by the online and globalised media culture resulting in technological advances such as the internet.

Technological Change

The increase in broadband speeds, smart TVs with streaming services available have meant that network TV has struggled to maintain an audience.

Audience was to binge watch and not wait until next week for the ext episode.

The fact the audience watch alone on phones or tablets reduces the idea of the family TV viewing historically. Product placement and sponsorships has increased as audience are impatience with the adverts skip them.

The show runner

- An individual or small team, usually a writer or producer who places a personal stamp on the drama and give it "Authored" quality.

- Killing Eve - fetured different female writers who already had critical acclaim and recognition of their siuccessess. Pheobe waller- Bridge season 1

- Lupin - George kay wrote and co-wrote all the episodes, he collaborated with the Francois Uzan a Parsian, who translated the international themes in the glamorous national french context. This is the possible reason for success.

Monday 18th March 2024                                                  Lupin audience theory applied                  

L/O: To explore the audience theorist and how these can be applied to the set text.

Audience theory Jenkins

'Fans' are known as textual poachers where they take elements form media texts to create their own culture.

The development of the 'new' media has accelerated 'paticpatory culture', in which audiences are active and creative participants rather than passive consumers. They create online communities, produce new creative forms, collaborated to solve problems, and shape the flow of media. This generates 'cognitive intelligence'

From this process that Jenkins suggest it seem that the convergences is more cultural then technological

Jenkins prefers the terms 'spreadable media' to terms such as viral as this emphasis the active, paticpatoty element of new media

- Particpatory culture - Is the idea that the development of new media allows the audience to be active and creative  participants rather than simply passive consumers.

- Convergence culture - Media is shared, adapted, and consumed constantly on a range of different platforms.

- Spreadable media - content that iss adapted by audience members for their own purpose and shared with others.

LFTVD can achieve the cult like status adding value for the fans.

This optimistic voew of the power of audience, underestimates the power of the oligarchy of media conglomerates in shaping and controlling the media produced.

Textual poachers will make their own fan sites etc around the LFTVD

- These are all killing eve fan pages where the fans create a communties that revolve around the the show and appreciate it and talk about it.

- Custom stuff that the fans have made to appreciate the show and have other fans show their love for the show.

Audience theory Shirky

in the 'old' media centralised produces addressed atomised consumers: in the 'new' media, every consumer is now a producer are employees.

These amateur producers have different motivations to those of professionals - they value autonomy. , competence, membership and generosity. User-generated content creates emotional connection between people who care about something. This can generate. a cognitive surplus.

the 'old' media created a mass audience the 'new' media provides a platform for people to provide value for each others.

- Technological development have changed the relationship between media producers and audiences.

- in the past media was created producers created content for audiences, now content can be created by audiences.

Prosumers have different motivations to professional media producers

this can create a Cognitive Surplus, where potentially large numbers of people give their time and expertise to create something

Audience can no longer been seen as a singular mass

Draws attention to the way that LFTVD can provide value to each other by using websites to offer, comments, parodies, merchandise etc.

Does not apply tp broadcast TV 

Streaming series do not reflect the view of the view oof media prposed by Shirky in o far as primarly operated like the old media offring centally produced content .

Audiences have more poer than the conglomerates in shaping an controlling the media produced.

Tuesday 19th March 2024                   Lupin exam practice

L/O: To explore the exam format, to plan a comparison response to the set texts.

Question 3:

How far = judgement must be made

Context influence needes to be explored, all of them: Historical, Political, Economic, social and cultural.

analysis of the texts and theory applied

Refer to all theoretical framework, media language, audience, representation, industry.



Opening para

Long form Tv dramas represent social groups in a particular light that reflects the culture of  the time. Alternatively, have differing representations on many other aspects of representing social groups. We can see this with LFTVD's Lupin and Killing Eve where they both showcase different and sometimes opposing representations on social groups but also share same view point  n certain aspects of social groups.

Theorist we can use


Van Zoonen



(Alot of them)

One social group that is represented in both LFTVD's is ethnicity.  Both shows represent ethnicity in their different ways however get out a strong message to the audience which is easily recognised and embraced by the audience in a positive way. In Lupin the main protagonist Assane and his father Babakar have scene which showcase them experiencing prejudice and in many scenes are shown to not fit in with the rest. For example, the Pelegrini's are clearly a representation of the dominant social group being white and wealthy and we can see when Mrs Pelegrini is stuck in her car Babakar approaches her and rather than allowing Babkar to help she intially tries to distance herself from Babakar and act like he's not their.  Even in scene's the Pelegrini's are mostly shown in camara angles that are above them and how inferior they are compared to them.  We can see that Netflix specifically showed the the struggles of Assane and Babakar to appeal to the audience to real show the dark times people went through and how it can still be common and even acceptable to some people in the domiant social group. Also the choice of making the main protagonist a non sterotypical white make makes the shwo more appealing to more audience and already shows that they chalenge tafitional views on the social group which will be a postive outlook on the audience which is the formula of making a higher incme from the show. Lupin alludes the idea of actual France history and France's negative outlook on immgration. Although, Assane and Babakar and different ethically to the whole cast we can see that the choice of france was also on purpose with France normally being looked at as beautiful place however, gets overlooked for their negative view on non french civillians and how awful they treat others who aren't from France.  As mentioned Lupin is a show that blantantly wants to show the audience their view and represenation on social groups. Lupin is a show that in the theoriest baudriald's view is a hyperreality. Where the rpepresenations a r emore real then the reality. They use typical setrotpes and clear predjucide

Monday 25th March 2024                                                  Q4 Exam practice

L/O: To explore format for Q4 and prepare a planned exam response.

This question is only a 10 marker question where you have to connect the LFTVD to a particular theory (Usually choice of  two Theories)

Q4 - Barthes' theory evaluation P1 - He was the study of signs = semiology
                                  - Signs create denotations literal meanings
                                 - Connotations are created from theses to create meanings
                                        - Connotations create myths in society and ideological meaning that are natural.


Gauntlet's theory - His theory is about identity. The idea that the audience have a pick n mix of personalities from character sfrom media. 

- gender and sexuality become more freeing in a perspective on media

- Goes against the dominant ideolological view of the producer, online media allowed people to openly express themselves

limilations revomes the uniquness of people and their opwn identity

P1 - Gaunlett's theory on representation of gender 

P2 - The idea its a pick and mix theory of identity where the characters in media can represnt how people want to be on screen ( self - expression) Killing Eve and Lupin

P2 - Idea of gender and sexuality is more open and Gaunlett explains it well and how LFTVD have expanded and represented more groups of people Killing Eve.

P3 -  Leaves the idea of consuming media and allows attachment with show and characters which makes media actiually produce quality rather then products that are mainly for entertainment and ways to make profits for huge conglomerates

P4 - limitations 


 Gauntlett's media theory is about representation in LFTVD. Exploring the idea f the characters identity what the represent and bring to the show and, the audience's identity and opinions to what they are seeing in the media. Overall, Gauntlet wants to explore the idea of identity and how media showcases it to the audience and their reaction and overall views of it, and how it effected the audience with their identity.

The idea of Gauntlet's theory can be summarised as a 'pick and mix' the choice of words is how the audience can take traits and interest of the charcxaters they see in media and apply it to themselves and their own identity. It also doesn't have to be one sole character it can several merging several personalities and ideas to develop a certain personality that the audience likes. Killing Eve has a vast cast with different traits but one of the main characters that appeal to us are Eve and Villanelle. Both these characters go against the typical stereotypical female roles in spy thrillers and add a new spin on the idea of protagonist and antagonist of spy thrillers. Eve is funny, direct, goal- focused character which not only goes against the sterotype but is unique and interesting to watch for the audience. Same with Villanelle with her being very different and irrational via being an assassin who is very nonchalant and uncaring for people around her. The overall aesthetic of her character is really appealing and due it being so different to normal shows it clicks with the audience so well.

Gauntlet's theory also explores the idea of sexuality and how recently with the media the concept of being open about sexualities and how people feel with their identities have changed in a postive way and can be showcased alot within media. Media is ever changing and one postive of it changing is now being more inclusive and respectful/accepting of others. The idea of being 'different' is slowly fading and is being more represented in media making the audience feel comfortable with themsleves and their identity. Yet again, Killing eve shows us this with one scene where both Villanelle and Eve are in the hospital bathroom and we see their first interaction being slightly flirtatious. Just this idea alone brings up the overall concept of heteronormativity in media and how its being to spread in a positive way. The idea that Villianelle's sexuality is quite blurry but hiniting at it being perhaps being different from straight will appeal to audiences who have the same ideals and people will incorporate that idea to themselves as now media shows us that its okay to be different and be who we are. 

P3 - With media changing and displaying social changes of society Gauntlet's theory will apply to     

Gauntlet's theory acknowledges that media is a way to make choices about their identity and life style - Killing eve range of masculine roles

Gender and sexuality is a lot more open in media and self- expression has become more mainstream and accept - Limitation as it doesn't link with LFTVD or could be as it allows shows to really connect with the audience and appreciate them with topics that aren't normally/traditionally spoke on that revolve around gender and sexuality Strength.

Media representations offer a range of diverse and contradictory messages about identity, with media being used by audiences to explore and express identities.

Tuesday 26th March 2024                                                               Media language theory

L/O: To explore media language theories within LFTVD

Monday 15th April 2024 

 - Individualism in killing eve - Eve's character overall is different to the whole cast she is a unique character from the rest and mainly gets her work done alone or barely involving the main force of MI5 to help her. 

- Consumerism in Lupin - The whole Bidding seems to show the wanting for an item. After all, this one item is a product to sell to someone and people are throwing money at it to win. Lupin has reason to buy it where as others just want it for its history and beauty. The Pelligrini's have a rich house full of luxury and even later,
 Assane's apartment doesn't just show his growth but the idea of consumerism to show how much he developed.

- Perspective in Killing Eve - We see both main characters Eve and Villanelle's perspectives throughout the episode and their overall goals and drive. Compared to other characters their ideas are tunnel visioned to what they want. Both as female leads in story which most the time are performed by men.

- Ethnocentrism in Lupin - we see that the dominant social group aka white rich people are more dominant then others The pelligrini's are some dominant compared to others and the way they treat Assane and Babakr showcase their power and how they use it. Even when Babakar is dead the world doesn't care and Assane is left on his own. Even in modern day the bidders around him don't acknowledge him and at first disregard him as a possible buyer.

- Patriarchy in Killing Eve - The most powerful people in Killing even end up being men such as Frank, Konstantin even the rich guy in the country Villanelle kills is a man. People dont exactly acknowlege women in the show and rather take their way forward rather taking their advice and following their leads.

Tuesday 16th April 2024                                       Representation theory

Tuesday 23rd April 2024                                                Exam practice Q3

L/O: To explore the exam format, to plan a comparative response to the set texts.


How far = Judgement must be made.

Context influence needs to be explored, all of them: Historical, Political, Social, Cultural.

Analysis of the texts and theory applied.

Refer to all theoretical framework, media language, audience, representation, industry.


1. Context and production of KE and LP

2. link to contextual points and theory - (Genre theory)

3. Conventions in KE compare to convention in LP

4. Link to contextual points and theory - (Gender theory)

5. Viewpoints and ideologies in KE compare to LP

6. Link to contextual points and theory - (representation theory or Audience theory)

7. Conclusion judgement

IMPORTANT to talk about context AND theory several theories can relate to context so mention one mention the other.

What are the context of production and consumption ?

KE: Made by an all female production crew famous actress Sandra Oh was the star vehicle different to stereotypical spy thriller protagonist and during the me too movement. Made in 2018 where Donald J Trump was recently elected to be American president, his choices weren't good on certain groups. Brexit was still on going. KE was published on BBC America later released on Netflix and public streaming services. High production value travelled all over the place showing British iconography and travelled to Tuscany, London and Paris

LP: 2021 released in 2021 still in lockdown. Audiences were exploring new thing especially non-english productions. Written by French crew but was translated to English by and english writer. Released on Netflix which meant many people were all over at the time. Small budget as it remained in France. People online fans or newcomers talking about the show due to a massive increase in use of social media.

KET: Hesmondhalgh - Having Sandra Oh as the main protagonist and her being a very successful and well known actress in Uk and Britain so its less of a risk and a be successful.

LPT: Gilroy - Post colonialism influences attitudes to ethnicity and the superiority of white western cultures and for Lupin we can see the influence and how Assane and Babakar are treated. We can see how most of lower class society are different ethnicity or immigrants and aren't treated correctly.

What dominant conventions are followed ?

KE: Head of the boss of MI5 is male and Konstantin the "boss" of Villanelle is male. Russia are still painted as the bad guys and the secret service MI5 a conglomerate of countries are the good guys. Stereotypes from the Cold war with the villianization of Russian and how MI5 are heroes.

LP: Dominant group still exist as old rich white men are still in power over everyone especially those in the "Sub group" France's migration problems as well as the class divide of France including the more far-right political views France was carrying out. Crime/ Heist genre being exciting a thrilling and binge worthy content which excites the audience in lockdown. The "thugs" having the stereotypical group mentality and also the use of editing with flashbacks on montage is a very traditional in the heist genre with the MC Assane being the underdog of the episode becoming the most important key player in the heist.

KET: Hall - The representations creating certain images in the audience's eyes 

What viewpoints and ideologies are explored ?

Monday 29th April 2024                                                     Question 3

The representations of social, cultural and historical events can cause an affect on what they are representing to the audience when their LFTVD is in different countries.

Killing Eve was published in 2018 on BBC America. With releasing the entirety of season 1, Killing Eve was the LFTVD that wanted to change things up int the overall spy Thriller genre of LFTVD's. During 2018 the American president d=Donald Trump was elected as Americas president and with some of the choice he made impacting women the Me too movement had a boost in popularity as their cause was in more of a dire situation now that Donald Trump was president. With this Killing Eve's production crew was actually made all by women. As well as that, starring Sandra Oh as the main protagonist Eve a well known actor who had also performed in the hit show Grey's anatomy and  antagonist of the show Jodie Comer a lesser known actress but giving her the opportunity to perform the role. These choices of casting a production was not only to support the me too movement but was also to go against the stereotypical choices that the spy thriller genre do. Having a female protagonist subverts the stereotype completely and Killing Eve showed that following the formula isn't necessary to be successful. Killing Eve was very successful and was even placed later on on hit streaming service Netflix, going from public viewing to paid subscription services due to the success of it and many people around the world enjoyed the show wanting to see and Netflix allowed it to be globalised on a bigger scale compared to it being only on BBC America. We can see that Killing Eve's production team had. high budget as throughout the first episode it is shown to be in many different locations such as Paris, Tuscany and where it is mainly taken place London and with the main protagonist Sandra oh the budget for this show was very high. Livingston and Lunt can be used here to explain how huge Media conglomerates will use their budget to create a successful product to guarantee sells Sandra Oh being a huge gamble yet paid off as she is highly successful and well known and also known for being in killing Eve as people watched it for her.

The other LFTVD that was studied was the show Lupin released in 2021 on the streaming site Netflix.  This show was released during the continued Lockdown of 2020 where covid was still very prominent and dangerous. Netflix was during this time seeing its most peak user activity as people were bound to their homes watching whatever they can. Due to this media that was in different language began more appealing to audiences as they had nothing else to watch. This is where Lupin came in, Lupin was wrote by a French crew but was translated and dubbed by and English writer as well as crew. Lupin had a much more smaller budget compared to Killing Eve as we can see that Killing Eve had prominent stars like Sandra Oh but Lupin didn't have known actors. Killing Eve had different locations around the world in just one episode and had many scenes which had a more open world view, Lupin stays in Paris and rarely has any beauty, establishing shots that Killing Eve had. With Netflix being the main, most popular streaming service at the time they were consistently pumping out content for the audiences which mean that quality may drop on some production however, Lupin ended up being a rather huge success. Lupin had won awards and continued on further Down the line to have multiple season and developed a huge fanbase that enjoyed the show. Netflix already had a good working formula with the crime thriller shows and using that formula created the success known as Lupin.

Killing Eve is a spy thriller which focuses on the main protagonist attempting to solve who had killed some certain people. Throughout the episode Eve is seen as the underdog as her boss Frank and supervisor Bill don't believe her theory and sense something else. Although previous mentioned killing Eve breaks traditional stereotypes, they also still keep some stereotypes such as the overall concept of patriarchy in the workplace with Frank being a controlling stereotypical male being Eve's boss and even looking into Villanelle's side of thing with her boss Konstantin being a man. As an audience Killing eve uses many stereotypes as well as certain representations to create a realistic authentic feel to the show which interest audiences. However, the representations Killing Eve use are't an actual depiction of reality. The theorist baudrillard can be used here with his idea of representations. He depicted that media use representations to show their message even if it doesn't show reality of what they showing. Out of the three types of  possible types the LFTVD uses, Killing Eve is shown to be  a hyperreality LFTVD. The main way this is shown is any scene that revolves around MI5. As an audience we don't know what MI5 actually looks like nor acts like and using representations and false ideas of the it focuses more on creating the production crews version of MI5 rather than what it actually is. In addition, we can see that the representation of good vs evil in this show. With the actions of Eve all being for the greater good and surround by family even in most moments having the use oof media language to paint a picture of positivity around her where as Villanelle seems cold all the time. The main thing that is noticeable is the idea that to this day Russia is still villianzied by the Americans. This could relate to the overall fear that was produced in the cold war from both sides and how dangerous things were politically at the time and with this show being mainly presented in Britain it could be a way to show America having allies where as Russian with the different locations Villanelle goes to leaving chaos and fear where she goes yet again a representation that is stronger than reality as this show releasing in 2018 is far past the cold war and overall conflict between thee two nations public is peaceful.

Okay some i wasn't able to finish the whole answer i still needed to do my paragraph for Lupin about realism and context which i would've used Gilroy as my theorist and would've eventually gone to the audience section of the answer which would've been pretty easy id believe and then the conclusion. I think i may have wasted time or not understood the question but idk let me known whether im right or wrong :)

Tuesday 30th April 2024           Question 4

L/O: To explore the exam format, to plan an evaluative responses to the set texts.


1. Define the theory introduce it.

2. Reasons why it is useful and help understand LFTVD use set texts KE & LP

3. another positive point

4. Another positive point can be negative as well.

5. Negative point

6. Briefly conclude and evaluate the overall usefulness of theory.

Intro - Jenkins A theorist revolving around the audience, and their participation in the media products how they feel about it and how they spread it a cross many other media platforms

P1 - KE the fact the audience is so devoted to the show they changed the ending for their own reason known as textual poachers 

P2 - Lupin having fans with fan pages talking about Lupin and attempting to predict future episodes and reasons for assane's choice coming up with their own theories as long as fan art.

P3 -   Killing Eve fans had much to offer to the show and showed the producers how much they appreciated the show with so much media being made for it and spread across fan pages was truly amazing.

P4 - Lupin during lockdown popularised the show so Netflix continued it through lockdown which allowed Netflix to increase the budget of the show etc.

P5 - small amount of people majority of the audience probably are a part of the fandom and the conglomerates are still more superior of the the fanbases


Fans are important to the success of a LFTVD without the fans the conglomerates behind the show will not generate enough revenue and will lose money on the overall company as well as possible future productions they were planning to produce. Jenkins is a audience theorist who explains the power fans have with LFTVD and their effect they leave with the show. Jenkins theory can be thoroughly applied to the set texts being Killing Eve and Lupin.

Killing Eve was a very successful show that many people enjoyed as seen Killing Eve was originally released on BBC America but was eventually moved to Netflix where it was able to be globally viewed by people all over the world. With Killing Eve being such a success it built a huge fan base as sooner than later fan websites were developed taking and sharing their experiences they had with the show and even showing their devotion to the show as some fans made their own ending to the show. Killing Eve is great evidence to one of Jenkin's ideas of audiences being apart of Participatory culture and how audiences are longer passive consumers and that they are active and can be creative with the media they watch. Becoming textual poachers and creating their own content.

Lupin was also released on Netflix during a lockdown and instantly showed the potential it  has it won many awards for its success and with Netflix at the time producing many ht shows Lupin eventually built up its own fan base. People were on fan bases or other social media platforms talking about theories as well as, telling other fans their experience of the show. Just like Killing eve textual poachers created their own content and even merchandise that was sold on websites such as Esty for other fans to enjoy.

In conclusion, Jenkins audience theory is very applicable to LFTVD as it looks into the fans and their overall opinions on the show and not only that it adds value to fans. Most of the other theories look at the fans as a single mass and as brainless consumers but Jenkins theory adds value to the fans and allows their creative freedom to flourish and create spreadable media for other fans to enjoy. Although Jenkins theory supports the fans, it does undermine the power the conglomerates have. In their perspective the fans are only a small portion of the entire viewership as some will just n=binge shows to binge or have it on as background noise. Fans with this power can abuse it and take the show into a negative light which many stir away casual watchers as fans say its too complex for ordinary viewers. So, as much as Jenkins theory has positives it does have that one huge negative that co-exists with giving the fans power.


Level 2 6 marks 

If i were able to get my other paragraphs could've got to level 3 as well as labelling the platforms used and the actual video that was published for Killing Eve.

Tuesday 14th May                                                     Exam D.I.R.T

- With m context i didn't really mention the representation of the fact that in the first episode Villanelle being Russian is actually a negative thing and vilenesses her being Russian. What i should've done is carried this point of showcasing how the UK is mainly shown in a postive light, with their multi-cultral and how Russia are the villians assassinating people. Links to cold war n such

Q 3.) With killing eve we see that the show was an attempt to break traditional stereotypes of spy thrillers. With this the whole production team were women and had a passionate view on the metoo movement that was going on during 2018. With this the main protagonist and antagonist were women. With them they weren't very traditional female characters rather subvert their traits of being motherly and caring and rather being more dominant gold driven and less caring. Although sometimes Killing Eve will reinforce the gender stereotypes with the male superiors such as Frank and Bill being above them and giving them instructions on certain things and kostatin even threatening Villanelle if she does something wrong. These choice for the representation was mainly because of the metoo movement and throwing away/Challenging the old stereotypes so that these new and improved representations can be widely accepted as they have been casted away and with Tv being very influential it was a gateway oppertunity for the producers to spread their message and join the movemnet. In addition, we can see that it being Published by BBBC America.

Q4.) Para 1  Opening introducing the theory and summerising it

para 2 - LFTVD Analysis  theory on KE and LP

Para  3 - Another element to KE And LP

Para 4 - Another element to KE and LP

Para 5 - limitations of theory 


  1. 13/11- Good start to the unit and investigating the genre. Catch up the work from the lesson missed please

  2. 27/11- Some very insightful analysis points here, well done. T: 5.Link to context- Social context of female roles.
    6.Theory reference Van Zoonen.

  3. 11/12- Very good analysis points used here and clear textual detail.
    T: 5- try to keep context fairly general, refer to specifics but as the media reflects events that were reported in the news, keep objective. 6- add theory to the second paragraph please.

  4. 22/1- Very good analysis and knowledge of the scene. T: 6 theory a little more of which part of the theory applies to the example you are giving. and T7 the contrasting paragraph.

  5. 20/2- Good structure in the openings and links to contextual issues of production for KE.
    You need to make sure that you focus on the textual detail in one or two specific scenes to back up what you are stating about the societal issues.

    3.Using accurate Media Language and terminology to reference textual detail.
    4.Link to areas of the theoretical framework.

  6. 11/3- Great notes here, well done, remember to challenge yourself by choosing examples from the text to apply the theory to in order to demonstrate your understanding further.

  7. 25/3- Good second part of the theory analysed in the paragraph, good knowledge of the texts shown in your opening paragraph. T: you need to focus more on the theory and read the wordings so that you can quote ideas from Gauntlett 'pick and mix' is my wording not Gauntlett's so try to choose some parts from my notes or yours on the theory and then apply this to the text examples

  8. 15/4- Q3 from 19/4- Good analysis of the scene and use of context to link into the drama. T: Bring in theory and complete KE.

  9. 29/4- Good knowledge of the texts and ability to link in contextual information and theory. You need to check some of your understanding on Baudrillard and his main arguments. Also remember to bring it back to the question- audience response and interpretation.


News revision

Political - free press papers originally were there to spread news and call out certain things for public to get an understanding of what is...