Thursday 9th November 2023 SemioticsL/0: To understand the terminology and theory needed to analyse music videos
Close up of the prisoner showing his face in great detail where we couldn't really see his eyes and everyone well. His facial expression look alien not real.
Camera is hand held quite shaky almost like the FBI agent is nervous seeing him
Behind his shoulder to face the women concealing his face even though the women is interviewing him he's in control puppetting it all
Friday 10th November 2023 Analysis
L/O: To practise using the terminology and theory needed to analyse music videos
- The Two different Travis Scotts are shown apart from each other. The one we see out of focus is out of focus and shown in the dark. The lack of colour and the hint of blue connotes a slight cold and loneliness adding to this with him being out of focus he isn't important and has done the incorrect things in life
- Whereas the other Travis is shown in a colourful light which is complete opposite to the other Travis he's in focus, he's important and has done the right things in life. Imagery of the tree growing behind him in such and industrial area showcasing his beauty and importance in life teaching a lesson to the other Travis.
- Kendrick is show in some Christian robes with a mixture of gold and white connoting his purity and wealth with the exotic accents of gold on his robes.
- The single beam of light shining from him is from the heavens adding to the christian vibes that Kendrick is giving off. Perhaps it means that in the dark and alone God is on his side Travis Scott - 90210 2:39 Kendrick Lamar - Humble 0:04
Thursday 16th November 2023 Analysis
L/O: To practise using terminology and theory needed to analyse music video
Unholy music video
- Song is about cheating
- Women and men are both sexualised with their outfits
- Variety of sexualities and ethnicities are shown throughout the video
- Colour red is used quite a lot such as intense, wrong and sexual
- The body shop transforms people into theses sex idols
Friday 17th November 2023 Music video
L/O: Analyse music videos for set text.
List A: Lil Nas X - Sun goes down
List B: Radiohead - Burn the witch
Lil Nas X - Sun Goes down
artist - Lil Nas X
Genre - Alternative/indie, Hip-Hop/Rap and pop
Released May 21st 2021
The song is about Lil Nas X come up to fame and the highs and lows of his life. Going from his teen high school years and showcase how difficult his life was where he struggled but learning how much is to come and enjoy life.
We see a God-like Lil Nas X looking through his old memories through some alienated portals showcasing past music videos and what looks like a teen version of himself working at a Taco Bell. He is later shown that he is struggling in his room as we see current him and his teen self and teen self struggling. In school he feels alone separated from everyone and it gets worse at his school prom where he shown crying in the toilets however current nas comes and watches over as teen nas boost his confidence and enters the dance floor full of confidence and joy.
The lyrics seem to be explaining how young nas feels in his current life. Clearly from the lyrics he's not enjoying life he's living a life that he doesn't want to live. Since he was young he's been bullied for his appearance and the way he acts which made him "stay in the closet for longer" which was a huge struggle for him. To the point where in the chorus it clearly show him contemplating suicide.
Lil nas x is represented as both as a closeted teen and then in a white suit with white eyes. White is a colour often associated with purity, which shows that despite his doubts and insecurities when he was younger, he is still a pure and good person.
Radiohead - Burn the witch
artist - Radiohead
Genre Art rock/ Alternative rock
Released 3rd of may 2016
In its cartoon-ish style we see a town full of people. Leading a suited man through their town showing their traits and normals that they do through the the day but at the end of the day we see that the village people have trapped the suited man in a huge piece of wood where he is trapped and is being burnt alive however the suited man escapes into the woods.
Explanation of how video links to song: Like the lyrics, the video represent the governments xenophobic attitudes, and how this visitor is suddenly deemed as an outsider and a threat, much as foreigners were viewed by the government.
Description of how artist has been represented: None of the members of Radiohead are represented in thee video itself, but the message of the song would lead some to believe that they are left-leaning politically.
Thursday 23rd November 2023 Music videos
L/O: To explore the purpose, form and conventions of music videos.
Sun goes down - Lil nas x
Friday 24th November 2023 Music video
L/O: To explore the use of media language & conventions in case study.
Lil Nas X
Real name Montero Lamar hill is an American rapper/artist. The artist came out as gay in June 2019 shortly after releasing his EP Panini. Although the majority of his fanbase responded positively, there were negative and homophobic reactions.
Sun goes down
Sun goes down is a single released in the his album Montero in 2021. The video for sun goes down was directed by the artist himself in collaboration with LA- based production and management company Psycho films. The single preceded the release of the album and followed the release of the single Montero (Call Me By Name), the video caused controversy due to its explicitly queer themes and religious iconography. SUN GOES DOWN was made available on Youtube in May 2021.
- His own world to support his young self
SGDIntertextually we can see that he uses twitter to stan about Nicki Minaj which is something he actually admitted to doing. In addition we see that Teen Montero worked at a Taco Bell which is a real life fast food place.
We see that Lil nas x is pictured as a god wearing all white and accessing some portals. All of this uses CGI in some authorial realm.
When God Nas isn't shown we see that the lighting becomes normal showing that Nas is hiding his true feelings. This is only shown in school and with family. Which as a colstet gay it is common for people to hide it inn public areas.
Two different Nas' we have Current/God Nas where he is looking at his old life and he watches over
Thursday 30th November 2023
L/O: To explore the contexts & representation in the list A videos.
Contexts and representations in SUN GOES DOWN
In SUN GOES DOWN the artist Lil Nas X is presented in 2 separate manner due to the context of the music video being him and his past self. We see his past self in a lowkey but realistic lighting of night which brings in connotations of sorrow and loneliness, we further see the portrayal of him just being normal and alone with props of glasses and for lack of a better term 'nerdy as looking' traditional clothes. We also see an opposite portrayal of the artists current self being a divine like being who helps others in order for them to not go through the same as he did, like how he comforts his former self whilst crying in the bathroom of prom.
Friday 1st December 2023
- Teen Nas X is always in focus while everyone is out of focus this could a showcase of Social isolation as he doesn't hang around with anyone and no one sees him so he's truly alone.
- Homophobia as Lil Nas x said " these gay thoughts would always haunt me I prayed God would take it from me." Showcases that he is not happy with himself and wants to be "Normal" Especially in the rapp industry who use their sex life as a flex in their lyrics makes it challenging to divert from the norms of Rap and showcase his own lie without feeling judged.
We can see that Mid way through the video that Teen Nas x is praying to God to help him with his internal struggles. The imagery of him praying to himself suggest that God did help him.
Fandom We can see that he is a Nicki Stan as he is on twitter praising and fanning over her.
We can see that his teenage experience shows he's quite insecure about his appearances talking about his lips an shows he goes high school and goes to the school prom. He also is working a minimum wage job at Taco Bell quite a teenage thing that happens during high school.
It show that he is in a predominately white high school and seems like the odd one out making him more isolated.
God/Current Nas x we see him scrolling through his life and we see his life we see his music videos Holiday and Panini some of his more popular music videos.
Question representation
In Sun Goes Down music video Lil Nas x is represented as a closeted gay Teenager. To start of the video we see A God - Like Lil Nas x in a alienated realm viewing his past life scrolling through his past and seeing things such as the panini music video. This gives the audience a brief view into Lil Nas X past seeing how is life unfolded. We then zoom into what seems Lil nas X teen life. He is shown unhappy at his job and current Nas x is somewhat pleading to him. They juxtaposition between the too as Lil nas x has quite guarded off stance staring off into the sky whilst God Nas x is out reaching towards him and constantly moving. In the car we see Lil nas x in his Dad's car where the music video and lyrics link to each other. Teen Nas x is talking about his insecurities such as why is his lips so big and is he too dark. showcasing his current struggles in life with hints of being gay and experiencing some form a racism throughout his life leading to him being insecure and perhaps why he doesn't talk to his dad in the car. Latter in his room we see Teen Nas x Praying linking to his possible family christian beliefs another reason to why he might be staying in the Closet.
Thursday 7th December 2023 List B Videos
- Linear narratives
- Expressionistic
- Postmodern
Burn the witch
It was released 3rd of may 2016 it was Directed by Chris hopewell. It was a stop motion animation paying homage to the trumptonshire tv show in 1960. The ending of the video is also playing pays homage to the Wicker as we see the business man is burnt in a wooden statue.
The video was to "wake people up' and raise awareness about Europes refugees crisis and blaming different people
The Uk left the EU.
The lyrics were written over a decade ago. before the song was recorded, reference a campaign by the (Now defunct) News of the world newspaper to publish the names and address of sex offenders in 2000.
The video has been interpreted in several different ways such as:
- Criticism of authority and majority influence.
- Mass surveillance or the or threat to open discussion posed by self - policing user of social media
- As an attack on the rhetorical of "tradition" values used by right - wing politicians such as Donald Trump and The Uk Independence Party.
The use Of mise-en-scene of the set used showcasing its tradition village. Cultic references of the red crosses and the Wicker inspired Wooden statue.
Rural life is depicted via the small village with low population and it's bright colours and natural showcase of the woods.
Friday 8th December 2023
L/O: To explore the use of ideologies & intertextuality in case study videos (Burn the witch)
The juxtaposition of the official in his car to the village people showcase as a possible distrust of external authority. Meaning anti-authority and how many people in real life may not trust the choices the current political leaders are making and shoving in our face.
The distribution of jobs in the village seems to conform very much to essential gender roles.
The traditional band, the festivities, and the shot if the (apparent) maypole connote values of rural britishness and pageantry.
Name of the inn "speared boar" possible reference to the 1954 book lord of thge flies by William Golding. His book is about how everyone can commit evil which can be shown in this video.
The mayor's pride in all of these gruesome events, contrast the shock of the inspector. The lyrics are from the POV of the rule enforcer - audience sympathises being directed away from mayor (rule- enforcer in village)
Gallows dressed in flowers, juxtaposition, shows how "traditional" right-wing ways are glorified and romanticised and how people are forgetting how barbaric they are.
- Trumpton and Camberwick Green TV series - attitudes in shows are similar classic value filled 70s children shows, music video further extends this with pagan values. shows designed to teach kids about community values.
- The Wicker man - similar scenes of the sword dancing around a girl being executed, police inspector/official both sacrificed to the Wicker man due to the troubles of the village. On an island which has abandoned christianity and turned to paganism with a xenophobic outlook.
- Hot Fuzz - Small village depicted representing how the village is something much brighter than it actually is, birds chirping also represent a more cheerful view
- News reports on immigrant farm workers
- Bible - parable of Jobe, human sacrifice
In the msuic video Burn the witch we see that Radiohead implicitly put many intertextual references to get to highlight their ideologies and how they connect to their view that is displayed in the music video. We see that Burn the witch is about their views on the current political state that the world was in (2016) To start off the animation style is inspired by the 1970's show Trumpton which showcases a bit of nostalgia for those whose who noticed and the community values that the show had. The fact Radiohead uses this style and showcases its message through the video could suggest the fact of how much society has changed and how far away we are from them "simple" times back in the day. In addition one of the main themes showcased through this
Thursday 11th January 2024 Questions
L/O: To explore possible questions and structuring exam style questions.
Mark scheme
- Comprehensive, detailed and accurate knowledge of how and why the specific area is used in music video
- Clear, precise and balanced explanation of the use of the specific are (media language or representation) in your chosen music video.
- Answer is supported by detailed and accurate reference to one of the set music videos
Im answering question 2. How does media language help to understand social and cultural contexts? refer to one the music videos you have studied.
Music videos are connected to the song however in some cases music videos will showcase a message that the artist is creating for the audience to see alongside listening to the song. Radiohead did this with their song Burn the Witch with many uses of media language to display their views on Britain's right-wing ideologies and its Xenophobic ways.
Regards to the music video, Radiohead chose to have the whole music video in a stop-motion clay animation in the style of the kid's 1970 show Trumpton. This would bring nostalgia to the audience for those who have seen it as well as, highlight a simpler time in society. Watching the video and seeing the bright and calming colours in the rural town can show such a change in society from then to now. Throughout the music video, the rural town seems to have a lot a Cultic references spanning from red crosses to dunking and even a huge wooden statue. This refers to how society used to be and how bizzare people would go to keep "order" however in current times we see events of tragedy and disgust of the news that compares to witchcraft trials that these people in the town do. Showcasing that soceity still have their evil ways and shady business the higher ups do in the government. Near the start of the video we see this well dressed man which compared to the rural town shows to us hes an "Outsider"
Friday 12th January 2024
L/O: To explore including theory in our exam answer.
SGD - White suit connotes pure and heavenly
- Purple showcases royal shows in the futrue he will be successful
BTW - The beautiful colour palette of the mise-en-scene connotes a peacefulness within the rural city however it is juxtaposed by the cruel actions the town commits almost like a disguise
Starts off with god x looking into his past life where young x is at taco bell
praying to god being sad bc of being closted
school dance will happen but when he goes he doesnt feel excepted crying in bathroom
god comes to him accepted and comforts him
he dances then his eyes go white as everyone else becomes in focus young x is happy with himself
Outsider comes into rural company for a seeming inspection
he goes through the village yet sees traumatic things that relate to ritual and witch rural stuff
goes into a wicker man and burns
however he escapes
As a closed gay teen he is show as quiyte normal however compared to a streyotypical male he doesnt act similar to him. He also dresses up in a "girly" way liking jewlerry and like female artist such as Nicki Manaj.
Women doing most of the hard work and getting punished which showcases the traditional views of male patriarchy back in the day when witchcraft trials were a popular thing.
CGI used to show the fictional world that god x is in where as he has a hypereal scene with the american Highschool
Thursday 18th January 2024
The dark and red colour palette suggest evil energy something dark.
Her pose is rather unusual and magical.
Bead wrapped around her trapping her into some weird ritual
A - Advertisers
I - Interest
D - Desire
A - Action
Milk Advert
Attention - There dresses are made out of milk quite bright colours so it stands out
Interest - what is this milk an why are they dressed in it also little statements above the ladies that showcase what is about the milk.
Desire - Slogans are talking to the audience with direct address making you feel like you need it
action - Lead to eating health and the idea of weight loss leads to the buying the product
Layout: The main star vehicle is centred and the product of Gillette is place in the bottle left as the eyes would wonder towards it.
Typography: Bold sans serif font leading into a more masculine portrayal
Language: with the writing on his face saying "Im with the Band" implying some sort of group and he's accepted (also in a bold)
Imagery/Mise-en-scene: choice of image is a very muscle and direct staring into the audience. Facial tattoo implies his rebellious ways and leather jacket adds to it showing his maturity.
Colour: Very muted colour palette apart from the product being very saturated and noticeable
Slogan/Brand identity: Seeing the man then the product shows the outcome of the product as well as the slogan "Bring out more sides of you" meaning using it will bring more of you and a better you to the audience.
In advertisements producers will lean towards targeting a specific social group making them the target audience
However, there is always a dominant that hold position of power of production of cultural products such as the news
Many theorist believe theorist suggest that, in general, members of this group have the following characteristics:
Dominant Ideology
- It is often argued that the dominant social group, by having access to power and means of communication, has control and influence over the ways in which other social groups are seen and understood.
- Their social experience, beliefs and values are known as dominant ideology and its from this perspective that all social groups will be influenced.
Subordinate Groups
- Anyone not fitting in these characteristics are classed as the subordinate group. Some individuals can fit in both dominant and subordinate groups eg. A white British, working class women. They would fall into the dominant ethnic group but also falls into the subordinate gender group
This identifies that these groups have ideologically, less economic, and political power and social status within society than the dominant group.
The existing of these binary oppositions, suggests that the representation of individuals and social groups will always involve bias towards the dominant group.
Representation in Adverts
Producers, consciously or subconsciously, can also contrast and reflect wider social attitudes to a range of issues and events.
These representations can be influenced by the following:
- Products themselves are often part of the dominant social group
- Representations constructed are likely reinforces the producer's own values and experiences
- Adverts targeting wide audiences may be more likely to reinforce rather than challenge dominant ideology in an attempt to persuade audiences to buy unquestioningly rather than question the message behind the product
- Representations are often constructed using stereotypes. The use of positive and negative stereotyping communicates ideology to influence the audience.
- Stereotypes attach specific values or idea to a group of people, which are generalised and largely inaccurate. However, the frequency with which they are used in society leads them to become accepted.
An acronym to remember when analysing representations is :
Representations require interpretations. We make judgements based on our own personal experiences, beliefs and values. This means that not all responses will be the same:
- Preferred or Dominant reading: Agree with the meaning and buy the product.
- Negotiated reading: Accept the meaning but might not want the product.
- Oppositional reading: Reject the message and will not buy the product.
Thursday 25th January 2024
The advert uses direct address with the women staring straight at the camera with her eyes having a slight hypnotic effected to the. Linking to the name of the the perfume "Hypnotic poison" Implying that the smell of it hypnotising as she stares soullessly into the audiences eyes.
With the whole colour palette being mostly bleeding reds and black it connotes a theme of danger however the red looks like liquid perhaps showcase some form of love overall it mixes and creates many meanings. The perfume being know as a poison can imply many things have gone to craft it including love, mystery and danger
The mid shot of the women highlights that this is a perfume and is targeted to women. With her short black hair, black nails and excessive amounts of beads perhaps targets a more gothic style of people
close up of man getting his shoulders up
Colour palette is monochrome apart from the logo LEVI'S
Lexis used Tough and spirit suggest being a fighter and identity
Friday 26th January 2024
Yellow ad
- The model isn't well clothed and a her pose makes her kind of sexualised. Although its premoting a body wash her pose and clothing leans to more sexual.
- The model also is quite youthful suggesting that its a product for the youth or it makes you look younger.
- No disability representation able-bodied
- Body was can be for men and women suggesting this product leans towards the more femmine
- Part of the dominant ideology being a white, able-bodied, western middle age man.
- roughed up showing more masculine advert
- Showing the clothes are practical and strong and are for men with tough spirt
- Famous star vehicle showcasing this ad is important as he isn't doing anything specific.
Exam set texts
Thursday 1st February 2024 Analysis & Context
L/O: To analyse context and media language in the Dove advert.
- They are a dermatologist covering products for hair and soap for body.
- they believe that beauty is for everyone no matter their differences
- Dove have done plenty of campaigns such as #Realbeauty 70% women didnt feel represented in the media.
- The advert is about how underappreiated mothers are in media and overall in thee world. The consistent standard of being a perfect mum sets the bar for them too high to the point wjere its difficult being a mother and dove wanted to highlight the issue shinning them in the light to show some appreciation for them and how they dont need to be perfect.
River island
- They sell clothes
- Sell clothes to anyone and everyone
- Meet the models making them feel more real and relate to them and make the clothes feel more real
- Jordan Luce is the star vehicle
- The advert goes over many models posing in their adverts including disabled models showcasing river islands diversity and their message that clothes can be worn by anyone.
- A charity campaign that campaigns for tenant rights
- They Value peoples homes and keeping them in a happy home without the worry of losing their house, their home
- their previous ad being #Nohomekit on Boxing day 100 football clubs playing in their away kits to raise awareness to homelessness.
- It follows the story of a young girl called Emily where she talks about her story on almost losing her home and the struggles of it. However, Shelter came to help them out and saved them from becoming Homelessness.
Dove campaign objectives
- To launch a product linee that is able to compete in a competitive market where Johnson and Johnson have a majority market share (63.7%) with J&J Baby and Aveeno Baby products.
- To empower mothers
- To unite women on their journey of motherhood
- To enable 'real people' to wake up and show the reality
Shot type - Wide shot
Slogan - Real life Real Beauty
Typeface - Sans serif bold to speak out to the audience.
Costume - Casual clothes more realistic rather than perfect and faked
- hashtag - #BeautifullyRealmoms encouraing people to interact and post and spread it around
- Lifestyle - Normal family things aren't perfect and can be chaotic and random like everyday life that people will experience.
- logo - Dove logo
- Location - Ordinary house in the kitchen
- Product - Baby skin care product
- Anchorage - Real Life. Real Beauty
- Colour palette - Colourful clothes on a grey/dark background
- Beauty appeal - The ad would appeal to the audience many people as its representing realistic "Normal" mums as its a refreshing take on it rather thn being being done and painted as "perfect"
- Persuasive Language - "real Beauty" People would but the products due to how the stripped the perfect fakeness of ads and showed the audience a realistic depiction of life making it seem more legit.
We can see that the real beauty real mums Dove advert is a representation of reality and what mums deal with day to day and how it isn't. negative however its beautiful seeing the "real" rather than the glamourised motherhood that media shows us all the time.
This is a positive representation as it cast a light on a topic that isn't depicted or spoken about often in the media and usually mothers have to live up to such high expectations that are seemingly impossible to be a "perfect mother" but, Dove wants to show that perfection is a lie and the reality of mother and what they do is the beauty of them and we should appreciate what they do.
Unfortunately stereotype are used here via the fact the women is in the kitchen which is a stereotype that has been around for ages and is a very negative depiction of women however, Dove have reused the stereotype.
- Media language is used in a format of a mid wide shot that is in deep focus in order to capture the whole frame of this scene of a mother with her 3 children who each seem to be up to something different whilst they all look somewhat pleased yet stressed,, this creates that realistic representation Dove wants to sell of mothers.
Friday 9th February 2024 Context
- In previous stereotypes of mothers they would be happy and glamourised. They were pure and with celebrity culture on the rise mothers were supposedly perfect. The concept of the "Perfect mother" was sprung apon most mothers
- Targeting millennials who would be digital natives being online/socials all the time and by that point media would show a fake and glamorised version of reality then the reality of real life.
- Mothers now aren't getting showcased as perfect like they used to be releasing a lot of pressure off their shoulders. Media recently release many countercultures and go against the old ideology of motherhood which is a positive as they acknowledge and highlight the truth and realty of motherhood and still how beautiful it is
- Single parents have been the rise and these adverts want to support them. although dads can be single parents too soceity are trying showcase more different variations of raising a child in families and still mothers are known as the caretakers so in this advert despite advertisement going against glamourised motherhood still shocasing mothers as the main focus to really show the product.
Analysis & context
L/O: to analyse context and media language in river island advert.
- They wanted to challenge outdated stereotypes.
- to promote inclusivity and diversity.
- To celebrate individuality and not define individuals by their ability or stereotype.
Shot type - Medium long shot
Slogan - Smooth moves only
Typeface - sans serif speaks to audience not targeted to a specific gender.
Hashtag - #Labelsareforclothes
Lifestyle - with limitations can still wear want he wants and be happy
Logo - River island logo
Anchorage - Smooth moves only and #Lablesareforclothes
Composition & Layout - main star vehicle is centre same wit text all centred
colour palette - Lacking of colour however the strong red connotes with the idea of romance in the background and his outfit being saturated with his jacket gold showing the luxury of the clothes and it contast
Beauty appeal - That clothes are for everyone and shouldn't be exclusive to certain people.
persuasive language - Smooth suggesting with these clothes are great looking and his happy smile suggesting he's happy in his position and with these clothes. He isn't defined or restricted to his disability.
-Represents people who have a disability or are labelled by society in some negative form, represents them in a positive light.
-Lack of stereotypes used outside of the idea of people advertising fashion being conventionally attractive
-Media language is used in how the colour palette contrasts with a romantic red representing the French romantic alongside the text which has the implications of bettering society
Thursday 22th February
Consumerism - Wearing river Island clothes. Its advertising there clothes for the consumers to buy.
celebrity culture - The star vehicle is celebrity Jordan Luce although his disability lowers his capability which leads him being a lesser known celebrity people still know who he is.
Ableism - He is disabled and in a wheelchair
Individualism - Liberal, progressive views so this ad will target to them as they see this as positive in society and revolving around clothes. They are empathic/ with a variety of backgrounds.
Multicultural - people in this campaign are from different backgrounds
Diversity has changed throughout the years and have opened up and allowed more groups into acceptance.
Subversion of typical beauty and celebrity culture and showcase growing equality showing more lesser known models and trying to get their message out in a real heart touching way.
The use of hashtags shows us that that its meant to be shared and millennials and challenge celebrity culture.
Analysis & Context
L/O: To analyse context and codes and conventions in the shelter adverts
Typical conventions of Charity adverts
- close-up shots audience positioned to see the empty gaze.
- Eyes stare out direct address to the audience for them to connect
- Washed out colour -Drab/harsh life: Realism
- Direct address imperative of 'Now'
- Logo/Brand - reputable, respected
Constructing a meaning
- Clearly, messages about suffering or need closer to home pose a different type of challenge. Those in the images may be closer to us culturally than those in Africa; We may have a greater sense of empathy with their plight in a society whose pressure we understand more.
- Equally there may be issues that we believe that we have had to sort our own issue "We sorted out our own problems out, why cant you?" homelessness is less pressing
- Campaigns are aware of. this and personalise their ads to elicit a stronger reaction
Campaign aims
They placed three outdoor posters showing 3 extreme close-ups of three people. each poster depicts a different challenge that can affect the security of people's homes.

Adverts for charities differ from the conventional standards often seen with the same focus of trying to yearn a profit, however this time it is donations towards a good cause rather than personal items of clothing or any product. The adverts often include a personalised feel by playing on guilting the audience with the use of children who will directly stare at the camera with imperatives surrounding them blaming and confronting you for not helping them, aiming to get you, the audience, to take action and donate. In comparison the adverts of commercialisation aim to promote a capitalist ideal in terms of selling an individual a product they often will not need but want, however as the audience is often those with money and not in need there is no need for emphasis on the issue unlike charity advertisements which put a focus on how you are not helping yourself but helping someone else. Charity adverts may also aim at those in need to get them aware that help exists for their situation e.g Shelter who aim to promote what they do to a group in need. Normal adverts will focus on the product whilst charity adverts often focus on children who have a desaturated colour palette and dead eyes to try and pull guilt.
Shot type - big close-up
Slogan - "But where will Live?" , "He Can't Do That", "I can't"
Typeface - Red Typeface blod
lexis - Innovates pity and in your face with words
lifestyle - Bording homelessness
Logo - Shelter
Anchorage - The big red texts
Composition & Layout - Huge, up close shots of showing the face in central you can look anywhere else you see the face. Slogan covers their face in big red text
colour palette: muted washed drab a part form the building colour of red
Thursday 29th February 2024 Exam format
Two questions - Q5: 10 marks 17 mins And Q6: 15 Marks 25 mins
in the exam, you could be asked to analyse media language or representations in on of the set texts, or an advert from one of the same genres; Fashion, health & Beauty or homeless charity adverts. You could also be asked to compare one with a similar unseen advert.
Example questions
Example unseen advert question
Compare: Fashion
- We see here that in fashion magazines They all have attractive looking models that are highly stylised and perfect for the shoot.
- Traditional good looking women and men as seen i n. the dior ad.
- Consumerism due to how attractive these models are makes the buyer seem that they will look good in them
- Models are normally fully shown in a media or long shot but if not all adverts will at least have a mid shot
- Centred in the frame taking up the whole advert so they are noticed with the clothing they are wearing.
- We can see only showcases middle aged people not showcasing disabled, age and sometimes diferent ethnic groups
Compare: Beauty and health
Thursday 1st March 2024 Exam structure
L/O: To structure effective exam response
Bettering answers
The colour palette in the magazine is mostly a strong dark blue which leads to stereotypically connotations of masculinity which the product is about as it is made for the male grooming product.
- The group that is represented is women, black people and abuser
- Dominant social group and other races have been presented as well as age and disability
That abuse victims are under spoken about abuse victims and this advert is a voice for them to speak up about genitalia mutational re something very important in current political society. with a famous star vehicle getting the message out even more.
Simon on the streets advert coveys values, attitudes and beliefs about homelessness. throughout the cover wee see many things that showcases this to the audience such as: the Qr code represented an anonymous homeless man rather than using an actual person as many homeless person. As well as that, the fact the colour palette of this advert bis quite muted and dull rather than adverts that are traditionally highly saturated and vibrant to catch the audience's eye tis advert has a straight forward message that they want to show. the colour palette links in with the homeless people as the lack of colour connotes to them losing so much and how their lives are probably drab now and full of misfortune an issue that society needs to change. The use of different streets all have specific connotations to homeless getting there message out and highlighting what this advert is about. This Advert has nothing to promote/sell it is all about raising awareness to the cause and an attempted at helping homeless people. For the main part of this Advert the blurb of text use lexis to engage the audience to helping out as they give them the instructions and explain the cause. The use of the QR code as well showcases that they appeal to a range audience with technological understanding as they really want to make a change showcasing various ways they could spread their message with people canning code.
we see that these two adverts are about fashion in source D the advert from River island has star vehicle Jordan loose and we can see here he is disabled. River island's message in this advert is that clothes are for everyone and it is clearly shown in this ad. Another example of this message is the Anchorage text being #Labelsareforclothes this symbolises there message in a more forward way telling the audience their opinon on clothes and fashion. This also being Hashtag allows people to share it socially and target many audiences such as millennials and younger with them being technologically advanced they can spread River Island's message and other people will see it as this advert is still trying to sell a product and make profit. You can see that the star vehicle is smiling he's happy with the clothes he has although he struggles with a disability he's happy and proud of the clothes he's wearing which yet again favour river island making them look good.
n the dior advert however, they take a more traditional route with fashion magazines. We see here that these models are highkkly stylised and seem perfect all they mix around the social groups with dominat and sub we see that all the models are attractive and are there to make the clothes look better. The overall message of this advert isnt very clear as the background of the advert is messy and is mainly just to showcase the models. This is most likely due to the popularity of Dior that the advert seems low effort and only focuses on the models and their clothes as selling points.
In conclusion the representations and showcases of beliefs in the river island is more proinamt and more likely to get a response out of the audience then Dior. river isands message along side the use of media language and several connotations will make the audience feel comfortable and welcoming as not only is this advert about certain disabilities and you can still look fashionable the whole messgae of labels are for clothes makes the audience want to shop[ or at lest have. alook at thier clothes as they will have everything for everyone. Whereas, the Dior ad is just models wearing the clothes. looking uniterested with no obvious or specific meaning behind it.
Thursday 8th March 2024 The big issue
L/O: To research institutions & ideologies behind case study product.
Typography - Sans serif bold text font with and occasional script font. Easily readable for the audience
Mode of address and register - Complimentary to the image and its used to relate to the target audience who most likely aspire to her and fashion.
Shot type and camera angle - Mid shot not showing her lower half straight forward no high or low angle.
Colour palette - Vibrant saturated with reds, oranges and whites
Composition and layout - organised via her being central and the cover lines being on either side of the main image.
The big issue
- Its worldwide
- Since 1991 has sold 200 million in 2016 in the UK alone
- Transforming the lives of homeless people in London its message was "A hand up not a Hand down" its a social enterprise business and all money and goes back into the business to produce more and help people.
- The Big issue is one of the Uk's leading social businesses and the exists to offer homeless people, or individuals at risk of homelessness, the opportunity to earn a legitimate income, thereby helping them to reintegrate into mainstream society.
- Its magazine however it is made out of newspaper material so sometimes its known as a street paper getting rid of the glossy look on a normal magazine.
- Strong social and political themes as well as entertainment coverage, creating a mix of 'heavy' and 'light' topics
- Audience of politically inclined and informed/intelligent people who are loyal to the brand
- Buy copies for £2 and sell for £4 to customers
- Use card readers
- Fortnightly release
Thursday 14th March 2024 Big Issue Ideologies
L/O: Looking into more of the readers and the ideologies The Big Issue has.
Big issue readers
- Be university educated
- Be interested in politics, popular and high culture
- Have limited disposable income
- Be socially conscious
- The Big Issue audience is young at heart, educated and loyal. Slightly more women then men read The Big Issue, which 60% of our readers are aged between 18 and 49.
The Big Issue's ideology
- Very open minded magazine appealing to more liberal sided views but not opposing right-sided, conservative views instead inviting everyone to have a look into their opinions. Diversity throughout everything in the magazine very inclusive
- varied topic not isolating anyone with topics ranging from you ng to old to celebrity anyone and everyone can relate to them
- Mixture of popular and high culture
- They use celebrities to talk about big issues that are in society as people are interested in celebrities and their lives so celebrities bringing in their knowledge and issue will let more people read on about the issue as well as, the celebrity themselves. Still can sections of just having interviews with celebrities.
- Light-hearted content is involved throughout the magazine and uses stuff such as satire and comedy to make such big topics more enjoyable because the readers will understand the intertextual references and find the jokes funny.
- Value of helping people who are dealing with much more than other. Socially knowledgeable .
Thursday 21st March 2024
L/O: Analysing The big Issue covers.
Theme and main message of the this cover of The Big Issue is the idea of war and how us as a society need to stop enforcing it and keep peace. Also for soldiers who have been at war bringing them home to a good life away from the traumas of terrible war.
Themes are about mental health of returning veterans being November's post with the significants of the poppy and the the use of intertextuality of the text suggest the idea of sensitive information being redacted. The sensitive information being their mental health. His eyes being cover highlights the idea of being forgotten unknown as well as it affecting any veterans.
We can see here that there are several intertextual references and the main one audience will immediately see is the reference to the film Ghostbusters specifically the ghostbusters film that release at the time the magazine released with an al female cast. We see instead of the ghostbuster's faces its replaced with the most well-known and successful women of that year being Hillary Clinton . Theresa May, Taylor Swift and Serena Williams. These women rocked in 2016, and to continue with the Ghostbuster reference we seem Donald trump as the villain known as the slimer. During 2016 Hillary Clinton was going agaisnt Donald trump politically for the role o being president and she WOULD'VE been the first female president of the states. We can see the White house in the back to make clear representation with the 2 other figures. Thersea May was very much controversial in the Uk news. Especially during Brexit
Friday 22nd March 2024
Do Now:
The background being black and not editing in dramatic ways showcases the seriousness of this topic. As well as death of the queen its mourning colours.
Both of them smiling suggesting the royal blood line shall continue with King Charles.
Green colour of Charles' tie could suggest yet again a brighter future for not only the queen, Charles, the royal bloodline but the Uk as a whole. The green could present greed by how long it took for Charles to take the throne. He supports climate change and protecting the planet
Pink connotes to femininity as a strong powerful female has been lost and it makes more of a focus on the queen rather than Charles.
Them facing each other with the divide shows a divide between the two perhaps a boxing match between the two as both have different ideas on certain things with the coverline showing us this. Aswell as the coin of them with it now facing a new way for the king.
"Our" vendors unites all the sellers as a whole the lexis using the prounoun our makes it involve the audience and explaining their stories and how the Queen did much for the Uk showing the respect for them. This will
also help people getting out of poverty.
We can see her the colours are split between blue and red which clearly shows the two political parties Conservative and liberal. We can see blue is on top while red is on the bottom suggesting who is actually winning in the whole political debate and we can see conservatives are winning.
Both political leaders are located at the bottom and the vendor is the middle showcasing the actual views of the Big Issue being middle left-wing however open enough to show both sides to the public to see show both sides in a way that all sides in the audience can enjoy. Speaking of the political leaders we can see they are showcased in some what a humorous way as the head ares enlarged highlights the inflated egos of both parties and how they think everything they do should be respected and though a pon and treating this vote as life or death when in reality somethings they both purpose are just outlandish and silly and aren't taken serious. Which is why their had are enlarged to showcase the old comedy gag of large head and no brain which overall showcases them as comedic figures rather than real political leaders.
The coverline talks about an old comedy British Franchise that used to run and pairing with the titanic definitely isn't postivtive and looking at how the whole political run is at the moment is suggest both parties are sinking and its more comedic then serious.
Rishi Sunak laughing looking goofy which takes the mick out of him aswell as the other one (Forgot the name) is serious but still being approached the same way as the Rishi satirising them.
- Critiing right wing political party. Perhaps appealing to more left-wing liberal viewers who see the chaos the Rishi Sunak is evoking and seeing how comedic this cover is might enjoy the read.
- People interest in recycling as we can the bins are on fire suggesting how recycling recently has been wasted and not cared for especially with Rishi and conservatives being in power.
- The train HS2 being supposedly a huge technological advancement and we can see that the fact is flooding and also in a bin suggest yet again how terrible Rishi has been.
Thursday 28th march 2024 Essay Format
L/O: To apply previous learning to answer exam style questions.
BIG ANSWER - The Big Issues is showing that politics are getting out of hand with their abstract choices so TBI are trying to spread the message in a humorous way for the audience to enjoy.
The big issue magazine cover is presenting certain political leaders and political references in a satire way to showcase their overall views and opinions on them. With their message Being very out of the box and with their satirical way for the audiences to enjoy and understand in a simplistic way. The way the big issue have displayed their viewpoints and opinions in the way
Monday 27th January 2025 Revision
paper 1; section B 35%
2 questions
Q5: 10 marks - 17 mins
Q6: 15 marks - 25 mins
Media language and Representation.
ReplyDeleteGood notes and some interesting analysis. Make sure you're using as accurate terminology as possible
Good notes
ReplyDeleteSome great notes and insights. Well done. Make sure you link anything you notice to the meaning of the song.
WWW: great analysis of representation, supported by media language.
EBI: try linking it in to the meaning of the song
Good - great ideas on intertextuality - make sure you link these to the CONTEXT.
WWW: strong analysis with in depth examples and accurate terminology!
EBI: link these elements to the context at the time
A good start but you need to make sure you are linking the techniques used to the messages in the adverts. I think you looked at the wrong lesson for the day I was away.
ReplyDeleteWWW: you've used clear and specific examples from the text to back up your ideas
EBI: try starting off with a summary of the values, attitudes and beliefs that are shown and then deal with each one separately. This should help you to order your thoughts from the start.
Your answers are strong but they lack the details needed for a top level answer.